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Well-Known Member
Id hafta say bud light, close second would be natural light lol, or busch... Only the others if im broke...
I lose all taste for beer after smoking though....
My after fhigh tastes would be a good patron margarita with grand marnier and cointreau.... Cant beat the top shelf for anything........

Damn good call on the loss of taste after smoking.
I'm gonna have to give the margarita a try


Well-Known Member
Enjoyable anytime overall favorite: New Castle (Obvious choice)
Chillin by da beach mon: Red Stripe
Just smoked: Becks (I swear it tastes just like weed)
Out of the can: PBR (Obvious choice again)
Get drunk and not know where I am: Keystone!


Well-Known Member
well if we're talking mixxed drinks now too can you really top a good whiskey sour?
I can.. and yes we should debate over mixed drinks as well.

My buddy is a bartender, and rolls around with two boxes full of assorts liquors, say 10 bottles each in his trunk.

Each time he comes over, he brings tons of mixing juices, soda's, chasers etc..

He's made me a fucking assault of mixed drinks with some weird ass names like Adios Motherfucker.. haha whiskey sours are good at the club, but then again i should probably only drink dark liquor at home cause it makes me angry. Vodka/Gin/Rum.. etc=Happy. Whiskey not so much.


Well-Known Member
gonna have to disagree about the whiskey sours, also most bartends dont do em right in my opinion cause they arent really supposed to use real fresh egg white in bars anymore. and they like bourbon or scotch which is kinda bastardized whiskey really. rye whiskey for the win. bourbons and scotches only caught on cause of the ingredients being easier to come by in prohibition. sure, whiskey might make you mean, but i aint drinkin liqour if im all that great a mood anyway.


Well-Known Member
but gimme a vodka and redbull anyday
Vodka Redbull's are my happiest drink period.

When i go to Vegas, i always have one on me. Usually stay up til whenever the sun comes up after having at least 10.. smoke a couple bowls.. go to bed.. get up, grab food throw some $ on the tables, and do it all over again. If my checking account read: Infinity until the day I died... You know what I'd be doing until then :]


Well-Known Member
If you gotta good cross fade of drink and bowls going on:


Not much into flashy ass rapers like Lil Wayne, and Manny Fresh(in this song).. underground is alright.

I do however love dubstep


Well-Known Member
Well then good ole jimmy beam & coke. No mixin beer with it though. Thats how i got my nickname.........HURLEY lol


Well-Known Member
bout to crack open the 3rd steel now.Tomorrow morning is gonna be horrible lol

Just cracked my third Miller High Life 32.

I have a feeling your morning is gonna be worse then mine ahaaaha.

Steelys do work. Drink a big ass glass off water (like a large jack in the box cup size) before u go to bed, pop a couple acetaminophen based pills in the morning.. and you'll be golden.


Well-Known Member
Tacoma isnt much better. I see both towns in Cops episodes all the time lol.
I was up in Spokane one time when I saw an episode where a guy was about to jump off that bridge by the downtown library during the summer... Spokane and Tacoma are comparable... but FUCK Spokane:clap:


Well-Known Member
I always down some water or gatorade before bed.Works great.I'll have to try the tylenol to.