Favorable buds with JWH-018?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
That has to be the most stupid shit ever. Pills are bad all of em in my opinion.
Keep to Maryjane and if you must stray get some coke.
That has to be the most stupid shit ever. Recommending cocaine to someone instead of pills.. I'm not saying neither one is good, so end it there! Don't do pills or coke.

As long as you don't an addictive personality:lol:
People with addictive personalities should not be smoking pot either.

P.S Don't cook it
Nice! Another racist supporting the cocaine vs. crack disparity. Mad props. I hate to break it to you, but cocaine and crack are the same substance(benzoylmethylecgonine).. saying one is okay and the other is not is simply bullshit and utter retardation. This is exactly what lawmakers did to make sure minorities and poorer classes were not treated equally when compared to "high class" users.

Also if you smoke a 40 or sniffed one without ever doing one, you will puke everything in you stomach out and them some.
Says who? I know plenty of people who did heroin as a first time opaite and did not get opiate sickness, and diacetylmorphine is stronger than oxycodone.


Well-Known Member
bang off a oxy 40mg . theres your experience , its cheap and its not bad at all . shit gets you hooked , watch yourself .
Probably not the best of ideas. As far as I know (might be wrong) all oxycontin doses now have the anti-abuse crap built in. I know the mallinckrodt 80mg I used to get had them as well as some of the Purdue pharma doses. They will fuck your nasal passages up for awhile.

My favorite opioid is an oxycodone 30mg. No time release, and they're fucking tasty. I'm off that shit ever since my son was born. I'll stick to weed, shrooms, RC's and poppy tea.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Whats the legal status of JWH-xxx in the US?
Depends what state. Federally it is unscheduled (legal), but a couple of stupid states have banned it.

USA JWH-018:

Missouri (beginning process to ban)
Kansas (banned)
Alabama (banned)
Kentucky (Voted to ban, not yet a law)
Tennessee (proposal to ban)
Georgia (trying to ban)
Illinois (moving to ban)
Utah (planning to review legality)

They will have some work to do.. I mean there are ~300 JWH compounds, ? WIN compounds, ? CP compounds, ? HU compounds.. the ? is I have no idea lol. They have their work cut out and I do not see them banning them all at once. And fuck them if they do, until they learn how to piss test for it, who gives a shit?


New Member
That has to be the most stupid shit ever. Recommending cocaine to someone instead of pills.. I'm not saying neither one is good, so end it there! Don't do pills or coke.

People with addictive personalities should not be smoking pot either.

Nice! Another racist supporting the cocaine vs. crack disparity. Mad props. I hate to break it to you, but cocaine and crack are the same substance(benzoylmethylecgonine).. saying one is okay and the other is not is simply bullshit and utter retardation. This is exactly what lawmakers did to make sure minorities and poorer classes were not treated equally when compared to "high class" users.

Says who? I know plenty of people who did heroin as a first time opaite and did not get opiate sickness, and diacetylmorphine is stronger than oxycodone.

see this is why rollitup is goin to shit, theres to many kids who think they know everything so they sit at there computers all day and correct every comment they read, im done with this site. anyone know how i can delete my account?