Favorite Games?


Well-Known Member
Borderlands and geometry wars, they are pretty trippy and colorful - doesn't get better than that


My preferred consoles are my PC, PS3, DS and PSP.
I do have an Xbox and Wii But I rarely find myself using them, except when some of my friends get together to game and do not want to set up a LAN.
I use my DS for pokemon, TWEWY and some of the new Shin Megami Tensei Games but that is about all.
My PSP is getting a lot of use currently, because I have just discovered a few more timesink games to sink my teeth into.


Gotta go with Super Mario Bros. still play it on the NES from time to time, also zelda the original is always a challenge..


Gotta go with Super Mario Bros. still play it on the NES from time to time, also zelda the original is always a challenge..


Guitar guy

Active Member
Definitely GTA and battlefield.

I'm going to get shit for this, but runescape is fun too while high. And minecraft is fucking amazing. I always build cool shit but don't remember doing so haha