Favorite method of smokeing

Merry Janemas

Active Member
fuck everything i vape like a bitch. it saves so much and does the job. of course i turn mine up to a high 400F temp so to do the job quicker, but if i want at times i do it at around 328F and really make it last with no smoke and all taste.

bong is next choice, bubbler 3rd, joint/blunt 4th, glass pipe 5th, then metal pipe last.


Well-Known Member
mane da blunt is where it's at i tried dat bowl shit got me high as fuck but makes you look like u smokin crack you cant go outside wit a bowl n ya mouth here. All bout da blunts bra.


Well-Known Member
I've tried a vaporizer once, I'm not sure how it works and all yet BUT as soon as I can afford a digital "volcano" I'll smoke that way exclusively :)

But glass pipes for now


Well-Known Member
c4rb1ne, a voporize works buy just burning the trichomes(crystals) and none of the other organic matter. Any were from 300 and up will burn just the trichs. I have a volcano and the thing is just amazing. I love it and its so healthy for ya also. (with respect to other methods) peace


Well-Known Member
Thanks Nathenking, I was wondering exactly what it was doing. But I can say it is a hell of alot better than "smoking". I can't wait to get one.


Well-Known Member
me personally i like bongs,inless im by myself then ill smoke a joint and just relax with it


Well-Known Member
mane da blunt is where it's at i tried dat bowl shit got me high as fuck but makes you look like u smokin crack you cant go outside wit a bowl n ya mouth here. All bout da blunts bra.
LMFAO +rep:bigjoint: yeah I prefer blunts too but not for that reason...lol


Active Member
u could do the same with swishers. i save all the doobs then when i have enough throw all the weed in another swish. That usually hits the spot


Well-Known Member
Usually digital vap but i love blunt wraps purple flavored wraps if im trying to get really wrecked 5 gallon bucket gravity bong in a 55 gal fish tank


Well-Known Member
Joints.half of premium belgium tobaco and half of some heavy stuff.
I like it better then bong and pipe.It's just a better experience for me.

xSiR ToKeS AlOtx

Active Member
i myself own a bong, pipe and vapouriser thing but tbh i would rather just chill out and smoke a plain old joint! dunno y but it seems a lot more social way to smoke but either way set me a bong and im on that bitch! lol