Favorite part of Pineapple Express!


Well-Known Member
When they are in the car chase and you see the car from outside with his foot sticking out the windscreen. That bit cracked me up.


Well-Known Member
*Ring ring*

Angie: "Hello?"


Angie: "Dale?"

Dale: "It is Dale. Angie, I'm calling coz I love you more than anything else in the world. I've had a near death experience, and when that happens, you can prioritize your life and you are it, ok?"

Angie: "I love you"

Dale: "Yeah?"

Angie: "I duno, I just, I want to marry you."

Dale: "Ohhhh... I made a mistake."

Angie: "What do you mean?"

Dale: "I've..."

Angie: "What?"

Dale: "I'm just processing that last bit."

Haha, excellent. Movie was ok. Watched it ultra-high of course.


Well-Known Member
The best way TO watch that movie! :D

It's my favorite stoner flick to come out in the last few years. Although my favorite one... will always be 'Grandma's Boy'. That movie...? AWESOME.


Well-Known Member
pineapple express was good in the beginning. it seems like they ran out of shit towards the end and just dragged it out. it was cool but i lost interest in the last 45 minutes i think.


Well-Known Member
I didn't think it was very good at all, in fact the first time I tried to watch it I also got bored and shut it off. A month or so later when my expectations were low then it was entertaining.

I expected too much because of the hype... Just an entertaining movie nothing special at all.


Well-Known Member
I never set my expectations very high when going into a stoner flick. That way, I'm never disappointed... but sometimes am pleasantly surprised... :D