Favorite Smoking Place


Active Member
What are the top 3 coolest, funnest places that you have smoked?Golden Gate BridgeThe executive box at the E-Center (where the Utah Grizzles play, hockey)Snow Boarding lifts. it may not be that cool but it makes for an amazing day of boarding.


Well-Known Member
At the end of the day (after work) in front of the tv with a good movie in the dvd player (up in smoke is a classic) something to drink and my bong. Simple pleasures.


Active Member
1)Bonnaroo the next best thing to Woodstock (its in TN,once a year)
2)At a pub in Mexico even though we got kicked out
3)Under the pier at Jax Beach in Florida

Dr. Jake Destructo

Active Member
Snowboarding stoned is no fun, wtf are you talking about?

I just get wicked tired and lose all yen to ride, heh.

Anyways, I have done that..Other than that, I've not smoked anywhere too exicting. Tool concert, on top of my high school, a local skate park..Good times.


Well-Known Member
1) Dairy queen drive through while waiting at the window
2) On my couch
3) Snowboard lifts


Active Member
smoking only makes you tierd if your falling down all the time. lol. 1/8th and a 12 pack and powder = perfect day on the moutain


Active Member
smoking only makes me tired if i'm sitting around doing nothing. I'd LOVE to take an 1/8th and 12 pack of newcastle on the mountain with me, GREAT IDEA.

Oh, I like to smoke in my bedroom while playing some 360, smoking while riding down a nice old county dirt road, and my 3rd favorite will just have to be every other place I smoke at, since that would be my favorite spot, for that moment..


New Member
1) Grand Canyon North Rim with an old lady (70 ish) asking me if she could hit my joint.
2) Illinois State Department Of Corrections Illinois River Correction Facility. Me and my celly were always smoking pot while I was incarcerated.
3) When I was 14 I knew a police officer who would confiscate marijuana from people. He was dating my mother. He would give me and my mom zip-lock bags full of marijuana. He would never smoke with us though!


Well-Known Member
ohhh there are so many, but top 3 would have to be

#1 the zoo,, nuttin funnier than watchin monkeys when your toasted
#2 the "planetarium" i think thats what it was called, i was high when i went.. bean bags, good music, and a laser shows rock
#3 on top of a water tower, seeing all the people running around doing what they do makes you feel almost godlike


Well-Known Member
1.Brockwell park south london on a free the weed day.sitting on the grass smoking some grass with mates.
2.After just had a great shag with the wife.
3.Queens day in amsterdam.walking round the town tripping on mushrooms.


Active Member
Let's see...

In my room with friends in a small circle...at my friends house with a 6 pack of Corona that we stole from my bud's dad, I ended up drinking the whole 6 pack and we had to get more for everyone else...what? it's in my blood to drink, haha :mrgreen: and...........idk, pretty much anywhere, lol

Maybe if I smoke in some "funner" or more interesting places, I'll tell ya, lol


Well-Known Member
3. in the corp my friend worm had a j on him and he was just lit it up when we saw cop lights behind us poor worm had it in his lips and the lighter was lit. i have never seen a fat man move so quick to put it out. after the cop left, friend got a seatbelt ticket by the way, we headed to jacksonville florida.

2. me and joe heck was sitting on his front porch each smoking a fat spliff each when his dad came down stairs. a 300lb guy in a pair of tighty-whiteys is funny as all hell. appearently as we blew out smoke it was being sucked into their bedroom window via a fan.

3. in the corp we had nowhere to smoke so we got into the car and started to drive. for some reason I turned down some dirt road next to a corn field and found the most beautiful alcove made into the trees that I have ever seen. we spent the whole day there getting burnt and building memories.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
I like to smoke while im on the toilet. lol. Seriously.

I like to smoke pretty much everywhere I go. I always roll one for any road trip even if its 5 miles. I smoke about 10 minutes after I wake up and atleast once every couple of hours until I go to sleep. My favorite is taking a hit off my dugout and blowing it out where people dont smoke. Its funny to watch them all trip out and wonder where the skunk is. I like getting a bj from my gf while smoking too. lol.


Well-Known Member
1) On the roof of a friends flat while watching a laser light show being displayed on the side of
The Great Pyramid of Khufu in Giza Egypt.
2) On a nude beach in Melbourne Australia.
3) In a Grave yard in Nogizaka Tokyo, Japan.

As a traveler there have been many, these 3 are only some that come to mind.
I offer thanks to the friends I make every where I go.