Favorite strains??


Active Member
OK, so im new to the forum an i havent grown for long time (cough)
if i started growing i would try a few but question is which?

Of course would have to be indoor hydro for my personal choice of how to grow an i'd say blue berry is 1 of the nicest lookin plants ive seen grow but jack would have to b my favorite strain probly jack flash outta the cosses that are about

wondering wot favorite strains u ppl like to grow ?

no red eyed smiley lol


Active Member
everyone is going to have different preferences - i know i do!

The way i picked my strains is first deciding on what kind of high i preffered - stoney, buzzin, or a bit of both:mrgreen:

I took a long time on a couple of seed sites, and looked at all the strains and there effects, narrowed it down to a top 10, then went through those filtering on the basis of ease to grow, yeild etc

I ended up with trainwreck and arjans haze no.3

asking what strains other people prefer is like asking what sex position is best - YOU GOTTA TRY EM ALL YOURSELF AND MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND!!!!!!:hump:

Something i will allways take much pleasure in doing!!!


Active Member
LOL i agree promazine but my last grow was awsome an wondin if to jus go bk to wot i know or try somethin new ....BTW last grow was 20 oz of 4 plants and was a long while ago


Well-Known Member
Pure Power Plant. Killer sativa high. Makes me stand up and walk into another room for a reason I can never seem to remember.