Favorite Weed Story

Joe Fumeux

well pretty self explanatory... I'd love to hear all of yours

Heres mine:

one day, I went out for a walk around the neighborhood with my little pipe and was taking a rip from time to time just to mellow out before I went to sleep that night. Naturally, the whole time I was bumpin to some music on my headphones. Next thing I know, two of my friends ran up to me out of nowhere and I was like who the fuck are these joggers at 2AM. Turns out they were out smoking too. So I go with them to wherever they were smoking, and it had to be the SHITTIEST spot I have ever seen against a wall just totally obvious to anyone driving by. But since it was so late, I didnt really care and just went with it and smoked with them. Of course in the distance I see those unmistakable headlights and realize it before any of them do. So I hand my friend my piece and get up and walk across the street right in front of the cop, so he speeds up and cuts me off like hes about to book me on some shit. He gets up out of his car, "what are you doing walking around the closed businesses this late". I told him I was clearing my head before I went to sleep, which is true isnt it? He then asks me for ID, which I didnt have, so it takes him about 10 minutes to verify who I am after asking for some info. In the meantime, my buddies ran off with all our shit and he eventually had to let me off since he had nothing on me, he wouldnt have found anything if he searched me. Once he left all of us went to a much better spot and finished a few bowls.

Success? yep.

À votre santé,


You wanna talk about a fucking success story, listen to this shit. I was 16, been busted by the rents and pigs before and just picked up a half oz. Met up with my buddy and we walked over to a party that was goin on. (I was stayin at said buddies house that night, what he didn't tell me was that his parents were hella suspicious of us smokin) Anyway, at least ten blunts and 3 bowls later, its time to walk back to his house.

As soon as we got to his place, his rents immediately turned on the bright ass lights and said "alright, time to test you". I was freakin out. They looked at us, looked at our eyes, and smelled us, and finally concluded, "yea, they're high".

:shock::spew: SHIT.

My buddy and I were still tryin to play it off, sayin nah were not very funny though, and wouldn't you know it, they said I know just givin you a hard time! We fuckin tricked em. Easily one of my best smoking stories. So glad I dont have to worry about getting caught anymore, cept by piggies.


yea his dad was a retired pothead too, so if anyone could tell, it was him.


Well-Known Member
smokin snowflake purp all day w/ my girl at a hotel... bottles of alize and mini bottle of goose on deck too... best sex of my life so far (first time she smoked) No lie her head is on point when shes high, LOL.