Favourite hallucinogen and your best tripping experiences?


Well-Known Member
Most of my info comes from experience! In my younger days I took ALOT of acid, stiil take a bit when I can get it and be bothered. I get a few lingering efects sometimes for a day or two and a big long binge can mess you up a bit for a while but all in all, it is a pretty harmless little molecule. I wouldn't bother argueing with opinionated dicks who know nothing... let our continued existence and sound mental health be all the arguement we need to put forth to the world! Peace all


Active Member
There is no way that you could have sound mental health nobody has sound mental health... Which is why hard drugs which are not natural are very bad it will mess you up, that's why I said in beginning if you want a hallucinogen take mushrooms, I haven't done it but it is a natural plant so if you want a hallucinogen mushrooms is the way


New Member
And thats why people believe marijuana is the gateway drug because ppl like you guys go on to the hard stuff after using weed... You give weed a bad name
You give yourself a bad name with such a stupid remark.
Don't come into the HS if your going to spread BS.


Well-Known Member
There is no way that you could have sound mental health nobody has sound mental health... Which is why hard drugs which are not natural are very bad it will mess you up, that's why I said in beginning if you want a hallucinogen take mushrooms, I haven't done it but it is a natural plant so if you want a hallucinogen mushrooms is the way
Mushrooms are not a plant. You show the intelligence of your arguement right there. And I HAVE taken mushrooms, many mushrooms and to be honest I think they are more likely to mess with your head than Lucy. Maybe that's why I prefer them! I will grant that mental health is not what these last few generations are known for but I am the most happy, well adjusted individual I know. I am also successful, intelligent, older than you by the sounds and still friggin here!
Drugs don't screw people up, screwwed up people take drugs.


Well-Known Member
I would recommend shrooms, if you're looking to explore the wonderful worlds of psychedelics.
Shrooms is my personal favorite, it gives me a more natural feeling, earthy overall experience, plus I find it opens up new realms of though to my mind.

Every person is different though, just explore, and see what you prefer. ;-)


Active Member
Mushrooms are not a plant then what exactly are they... they grow from the ground so wouldn''t that make it a plant...what else could the be if they are not a plant, the world is made up of organisms which are animals, plants, viruses and bacterium. what category does mushrooms fall under?


Well-Known Member
Kingdom Fungi, one of three Eukaryotic Kindoms, the other two being Plantea and Animalia so as different to a plant as you are (questionable statement). Bacteria are prokaryotic organisms and viruses are not living organisms as life is defined. ;)


Well-Known Member
There is no way that you could have sound mental health nobody has sound mental health... Which is why hard drugs which are not natural are very bad it will mess you up, that's why I said in beginning if you want a hallucinogen take mushrooms, I haven't done it but it is a natural plant so if you want a hallucinogen mushrooms is the way

Arsenic, Belladonna, Opium, Foxglove are "natural", they can still either addict you or kill you. A substance being "natural" whatever that really means, actually has no bearing on anything in the modern world. In fact the "natural" form of LSD will wind up giving you gangrene.


Well-Known Member
This is the not pot section. Don't come in here telling us what we do is wrong. You're being a complete hypocrite by doing so.
And saying that something is inherently safer because it is natural rather than synthetic is completely false. Look at how many poisonous mushrooms there are. Look at how many horribly toxic things come from plants and animals, let alone all of the horribly toxic inanimate stuff like uranium. Thanks to the inventions of man people don't get smallpox or polio anymore. Pneumonia doesn't kill 90% of people who contract it.

I just read the whole rest of the thread. Damn that's some ignorance. Why do I always miss the fun?


Well-Known Member
These "natural" is better folk are always claiming that pot is "good" because it is "natural", yet some will grow in rooms with highly unnatural HID lights. I gather that those who are most enamored of "natural" really haven't much of an idea of the composition of the things around them - "oooh, it must be bad for you because it has.... chemicals... in it", or "how can something I can't pronounce be good for me". This is a simplistic and, when considered, a downright foolish notion.


Active Member
That's like asking me to pick a favorite child. Mescaline, psilocybin, LSD, MDMA, 2C-B are favorites of many for damn good reason. AET is quite nice. I'd be curious what an N-alkylated 4-OH or 4-OR would be like. Probably have a pretty long duration, but be quite interesting.
MDMA is definitely my favorite XD and i like beans instead of molly cuz its always a surprise on whats gonna happen!!

The Silver Fox

Active Member
personally i love dissociatives the best, special k and mxe. as far as hallucinogens go, lsd, 2ce, 2ci, and dmt. tryptamines: 4-ho-mipt, 4aco


Well-Known Member
Wow, it is so rare I actually see someone who is dumber than a bag of hammers and FEEL the saying.

bag of hammers, please be happy to meet bombasticson.
bombasticon, please be happy to meet a bag of hammers.

The hammers start with an IQ higher that bombasticson, so maybe he'll learn something.

For the rest of us, it'll just be fun to watch. Nah, painful actually.


Well-Known Member
First time I ate a 8th of fresh shrooms was amazing.The street looked like the ocean and shit lol.It was crazy.


New Member
First time I ate a 8th of fresh shrooms was amazing.The street looked like the ocean and shit lol.It was crazy.
Mushrooms are special, they never get old.
The movements of ANYTHING on mushrooms is a great thing to watch.

Ever watch the plants?
Or look at carpets with intricate woven designs?


Well-Known Member
Mushrooms are special, they never get old.
The movements of ANYTHING on mushrooms is a great thing to watch.

Ever watch the plants?
Or look at carpets with intricate woven designs?
Yeah man. I know exactly what you mean. Carpets look like little towns. And you realize that those damn plants are actually up to somethin'. Fucking plants.