FBI busts guy who clicks on link (not for weed)

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Active Member
Found this via reddit today:


This bust had to do with child porn, not weed, but it scared me how the bust went down and I thought it merited mention here. I AM NOT IN ANY WAY COMPARING CHILD PORN WITH WEED. The point is to highlight techniques that the cops are using online to catch people who do illegal things, as well as the fact that the courts seem to be upholding these techniques.

If you don't want to read the article, basically, the FBI posted a fake link to download child porn to a message board and then busted anyone who clicked on it. The guy the article talks about is probably going to get 4 years in jail for clicking on a link.


Well-Known Member
Who is to say your not doing the same thing ...

I aint clicking that link..

Why even post something That has to do with children at all in here ..

Plant a seed ,, Grow a tree

4 post's .Yea I trust you .................


Well-Known Member
Child porn and smoking/growing weed are totally opposite of each other. I, 100% support torture death to anyone that violates a child in any way shape or form.

I aint clicking that link either


Active Member
death to all pedophile and again i aint clicking on that link
Jesus christ then google

cnet fbi child porn

Cnet is a pretty reputable site. The point is that a guy is going to jail for clicking on a link, not what the charges are about.

One thing I forgot to mention, the court ruled that a search warrant could be granted based on the guy's online activity regardless of the fact that his wireless network was not password protected and it could have just as well been any of his neighbors.


Well-Known Member
I clicked the link in the first post. It's just a news articale of what happen. Nothing else guys. I totally think that anyone who is into child porn should be taken out back and shot in the head. The way the FBI did this is wrong though. Come on clicking on a link gets you a conviction. Thats scary as hell if you ask me. You would think that is entrapment, but according to them and the law it is not.


Well-Known Member
This guy needs a better lawyer. The fact that the FBI did not record the referring site his attorney should have argued of the possibility that a website could have automatically forwarded him to the downloading of the link without his consent.

Either way its fucked up that this shit happens in the US.


Active Member
dude heck with anyone who clicks on that shit, but what ur trying to say is crazy to, ever since the patriot act was established govt has been dippin there hands into all kinds of shit...

you guys hear about the new tv's that are goin to have a mini computer and camera in them that can identify facial expressions to be able to c how the audience reacts to certain marketing ad's.... NOW THAT SHIT IS CRAZY.....saw it on cnbc few weeks ago
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