fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

hey cannabiscult, thank you for the link. My questions are more along the lines of life in Cali, nothing about their views on cannabis, etc.
Ah yes I know of all this. The deal is, I live far from Cali. I know it may not federally be legal yet, but it's not even legal on a state level around here. I wish to move to a state where I can have my med card. The weather in Cali entices me. My question is..I'd be moving with myself, the girl, and the kid. I've heard Cali is pretty expensive living! Wondering if it's even possible for a ballpark guess of how much $ to save for the move? I don't wish to live in a big city, nor have an ocean view home. Just something simple. Any way you could shoot me a guess?
Ah yes I know of all this. The deal is, I live far from Cali. I know it may not federally be legal yet, but it's not even legal on a state level around here. I wish to move to a state where I can have my med card. The weather in Cali entices me. My question is..I'd be moving with myself, the girl, and the kid. I've heard Cali is pretty expensive living! Wondering if it's even possible for a ballpark guess of how much $ to save for the move? I don't wish to live in a big city, nor have an ocean view home. Just something simple. Any way you could shoot me a guess?

you can live in a tent by the river for the cost of a campsite. hella people do. or you can buy a 5 million dollar home on the hill. it's all here. just because some live rcih doesn't mean everyone has to as well. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/
Ah yes I know of all this. The deal is, I live far from Cali. I know it may not federally be legal yet, but it's not even legal on a state level around here. I wish to move to a state where I can have my med card. The weather in Cali entices me. My question is..I'd be moving with myself, the girl, and the kid. I've heard Cali is pretty expensive living! Wondering if it's even possible for a ballpark guess of how much $ to save for the move? I don't wish to live in a big city, nor have an ocean view home. Just something simple. Any way you could shoot me a guess?

ill play with you a little... fdd has big trees to plan... pm me for info on housing prices...rental prices....recommended areas...you know..the typical questions.... I got it FDD...lol
awesome pictures. and never been their. born in redding and san francisco is the furthest south ive been
haha thanks. I just figured I'd try getting some info from people here at RIU who live there. Seems like a chill place to get some good information! I don't believe we make as much per hour around here as you guys do in Cali. If it were just me moving there it wouldn't be as big of a deal but there's a child involved, a family you know! I apologize for being a lazy stoner and asking you for help when it's obvious you have many other things going on! I've decided I will actually do some more research on my own, then if I do need help..it won't be with silly questions that I could have found had I tried!
Thanks for offering to help, I may be back around to ask, but for now I'll do my share of researching! Hope you all have a great day! Peace
did your's germinate? I saw GHS had a problem with the church before, or at least a batch. keep us updated! I'm interested in the church!!!!!
ok i Know that you guys find this funny but it is harmful terms like this that made me feel bad about who I am growing up I don't think for a second that you guys mean any harm but think about the people who have to deal with emotional scars from racial discrimination that said it is funny if an African American said it ie. Cris Rock. its one of those dub standard things. I want to also say thanks to you FDD you have given me so much info my garden has improved from reading your posts!!
this is in ref to slave feet
Hey Fdd I'm looking forward to watching your garden again this year.... What fertilizers are you using this year? Sorry if you have been asked this question a million times. Happy growin from oregon!