fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08


Well-Known Member
i can't wait. i figure if anything they will start to flower just long enough to show sex, by that time the days will be longer and they will turn right back around. they may not even start to flower. either way i just put my 10 hijack seedlings outside in my greenhouse. :mrgreen: here we go...........View attachment 92792
Ya I had to put one of my girls outside, and it started showing me little buds about 1 week ago....Do you think If i cut all the buds off and leave some foilage do you think she will reveg in the next month for this years outdoor?


Well-Known Member
Ya I had to put one of my girls outside, and it started showing me little buds about 1 week ago....Do you think If i cut all the buds off and leave some foilage do you think she will reveg in the next month for this years outdoor?
i'd cut the buds off and feed it lots of nitrogen to promote vegetative growth.


Well-Known Member
cool cat, nice set up aren't those screens a little low?

i've never done this. :-|

my plan is to move the screen up the stakes as the plant grows. i was trying to think of some way to use PVC for stakes. in the fall i may need to cover my plants with moth cloth or plastic, due to bugs and rain. if i use PVC for the stakes and make them tall enough i can hang my canopy from them in the fall. i'm kinda getting ahead of myself but the weather is just soooooo nice. :mrgreen:


Too many brownies
i've never done this. :-|

my plan is to move the screen up the stakes as the plant grows. i was trying to think of some way to use PVC for stakes. in the fall i may need to cover my plants with moth cloth or plastic, due to bugs and rain. if i use PVC for the stakes and make them tall enough i can hang my canopy from them in the fall. i'm kinda getting ahead of myself but the weather is just soooooo nice. :mrgreen:
I really dont think you will be able to move the screen up :?

I would get that screen another foot up or watering and feedign will be really difficult. :peace:


Well-Known Member
i have always like the way of training a plant along the ground with tent stakes...then add the screen. just a thought..you do have the room.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i don't know what i'm doing. :peace: for real. :mrgreen:

i have all kinds of room..........View attachment 95145
i wish i could till the woods around me..:mrgreen:

maybe veg one till the height of the fence (5') then just train the top back down to the ground length wise (5')...then add screen. try this with one of your better sativa crosses.

i dont know what to do either, but would love to try it out there..:peace:


Too many brownies
then how do i spread out my branches? :confused:
Im thinking you need to let them get a little bigger maybe. Because I dont think the stems under the screen are going to get much if any longer they will just get thicker, so you wont really be able to move the screen up. Am I making any sense?


Well-Known Member
Im thinking you need to let them get a little bigger maybe. Because I dont think the stems under the screen are going to get much if any longer they will just get thicker, so you wont really be able to move the screen up. Am I making any sense?

yes you are. my only concern is the branches getting to hard to bend. i should be fine though. this is why i only did one, temporarily at that. :wink:


Too many brownies
yes you are. my only concern is the branches getting to hard to bend. i should be fine though. this is why i only did one, temporarily at that. :wink:
I dont think you will have a problem with bending them as long as its the newer growth your bending so it should be fine if you let it get a little taller and also raise the screen. Have you seen or heard of that technique they use...where you rub and pinch the stalk and almost break it...then you can bend the stiff branches....its supposed to work....never tried it.


Well-Known Member
I dont think you will have a problem with bending them as long as its the newer growth your bending so it should be fine if you let it get a little taller and also raise the screen. Have you seen or heard of that technique they use...where you rub and pinch the stalk and almost break it...then you can bend the stiff branches....its supposed to work....never tried it.

the plant will lift a 5 lb cinder block off the ground if you tie it up correctly. :mrgreen:

i have the branches wired which is training them for now. once they out grow the wires i will come up with some type of stake system to stake them down. i do want the screen up a lot higher. i will need all the support i can get during flower. this strain grows wild branching.

these were last years and i did NO topping or training.......IMG_2539.jpg IMG_2540.jpg