fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08


Well-Known Member
Thanks Smokablunt,They look like they are doing good,I was thinking about doing a few like that next year.:hump:Fdd have you had any issues with growing them upside down?


New Member
oops iam wrong your right yes thats them sorry i seen a diff. pic where they where on the left of the pic and a little closer. jeff


Active Member
Fdd - Since I stumbled upon this site, all of your photos have been jaw dropping. Talk about having having a green thumb!

I ran into a post of yours while searching about outdoor grows, specifially a backyard grow. You post stated that at the time a kitchen light cast light outside and it wasn't an issue.
Have you ever run into an issue with the lights from your house or neighbors lights causing an issue with flowering?


Well-Known Member
The plants growing upside down are sweeet! What are the advantages of growing them that way though?


Well-Known Member
so far my ambient light has not been a problem. i have 8 walkway lights throughout my garden and everything is fine. plants are flowering right next to them.

IMG_8599.jpg IMG_8608.jpg IMG_8609.jpg IMG_8623.jpg


Well-Known Member
fuck, I got mites or aphids, not sure which, they are tiny yellow pinheads with super tiny white legs, though I am not sure how many legs. I have this 3 in 1 spray, but with flowering so close, I am not sure... do you know what I should do?


Well-Known Member
fuck, I got mites or aphids, not sure which, they are tiny yellow pinheads with super tiny white legs, though I am not sure how many legs. I have this 3 in 1 spray, but with flowering so close, I am not sure... do you know what I should do?
I would use normal liquid dish soap or insecticidal soap this far in flower.Just dilute then spray all over until u see it clearing up if not then ease of and just hope they dont do damage...Or go the home depot and buy some ladybugs they will work even better.

dirty sanchez

Active Member
hey fdd i gotta say you got a wicked awesome grow going on here. Just a suggestion, maybe you should start a comment thread or something to help with fewer pages.


Well-Known Member
Faded, hows it lookin' there bro?
I was also wondering if you had a couple up-close pics of the stalks of the inverted grow, this intrigues me. this is a potential stelth grow, no-one would think twice "oh yea, those are just hanging baskets, probably ivy of some sort" LMFAO