Federal government approves first device for testing drivers' saliva for cannabis

The Efficiency of Cannabis Suppositories
In the studies to which all medical claims have been based so far, it has been found that the bioavailability of rectally applied THC is significantly increased if the THC molecule is transesterified beforehand. The THC-Ester THC-hemisuccinate (THC-HS) is absorbed better in the rectum, it then passes directly into the bloodstream to reach the liver where it is finally metabolized. The first patent for such THC suppositories was filed in 1994. In relevant forums, you will also find detailed instructions how to transesterify THC into THC-HS. In addition, the medical experts in the mid-90s found that plant fats such as coconut fat are poorly suited as THC carriers. Any active substances in a suppository must first dissolve in the aqueous mucus of the rectum before entering the bloodstream. Without the transition through the aqueous mucus layer, the THC can not be absorbed directly. Greasy or oily carriers like the cocnut fat mentioned above reduce absorption, active substances such as cannabinoids should not be combined with them for the preparation of suppositories. The best bioavailability was achieved when THC was linked to THC-hemisuccinate and a pharmaceutical glycerol (Witespot 15, a substance often used in suppositories, as carrier material). The bioavailability strongly differed depending on suppository formulations. Comparing THC-HS to other polar esters of THC, Witepsol H15 mixed with THC-HS showed the highest bioavailability when evaluated in monkeys. The carrier substance is offered as an “emulsifying wax” for suppository-production by pharmaceutical wholesalers and has similar properties as the less effective greasy or oily carriers. With the transesterified active substance, an average THC content of 13.5 percent was found in the monkeys under evaluation. The rectal bioavailability of this formulation was calculated to be about as twice as high as oral bioavailability of THC.

The bioavailability in another small, hardly exhaustive study by the Swiss pharmacist Professor Rudolf Brenneisen evaluating the effects of oral (Marinol) or rectal THC-HS on two patients back in 1996 was found to be roughly 50 percent. Brenneisen concluded that rectally administered THC-HS has higher absorption and lower first-pass metabolism than if administered orally.
What's a few more million between friends, the millions they've spent already and the market hasn't even opened up yet. All for show since these saliva tests will be easy to by-pass or beat and they can't arbitrarily force you unless they have just cause. Unlike the breathalyzers for booze which they've slipped into C-46 and can now force a test without cause. I'll refuse a breathalyzer as well, that'll be next, they'll add something to collect your saliva while blowing into the breathalyzer and they have both random tests on one device. #$%!
Proof is in the pudding as they say. Cant deny simple science friend. What works for some may not for others. That doesn't make it conclusive. Read the literature on it.
Its absorbed into the blood yes, which then is metabolized by your liver. Thats how the body works. No bypassing the liver.
been doin this for years dude.
no one gets high takin it up the wazzoo..

sure they may feel a slight effect but not the same as when the liver gets it first!!
I speak from many peoples experiences here. no matter what the literature says unless the guy took it up the wazzzooo its useless info
Other than the simple fact YOU GET THE MOST BENEFIT FROM TAKIN IT UP THe wAzZOOo>> Yes you certainly do at that! (::weed::idea:
I suggest people start taking it this way so they get the best treatment for cancer..
then to start ingesting as well
lol. Up the kazoo suppositories is probably not a growth business. It may work and all im just saying.
been doin this for years dude.
no one gets high takin it up the wazzoo..

sure they may feel a slight effect but not the same as when the liver gets it first!!
I speak from many peoples experiences here. no matter what the literature says unless the guy took it up the wazzzooo its useless info
Other than the simple fact YOU GET THE MOST BENEFIT FROM TAKIN IT UP THe wAzZOOo>> Yes you certainly do at that! (::weed::idea:
I suggest people start taking it this way so they get the best treatment for cancer..
then to start ingesting as well
The science is in. Unless you're one of those science deniers? Just like some don't get anything from edibles like myself, it may not be effective for SOME. But to blindly state it doesn't work when the facts say otherwise is false. Maybe it doesn't work for you or some others. That would make it an exception not the rule.:bigjoint:

I agree that all forms of consumption combined would be the best way to cover all bases.
The science is in. Unless you're one of those science deniers? Just like some don't get anything from edibles like myself, it may not be effective for SOME. But to blindly state it doesn't work when the facts say otherwise is false. Maybe it doesn't work for you or some others. That would make it an exception not the rule.:bigjoint:

I agree that all forms of consumption combined would be the best way to cover all bases.

I am actually amazed that people can not get high with edibles. I gave my friend a brownie and said eat 1/4 and he at it all. 90 minutes later he laughed for 1 hour and passed out. I find them soothing but he was right screwed up by it. And he uses an 8g a day license.

The human body is messed up
I am actually amazed that people can not get high with edibles. I gave my friend a brownie and said eat 1/4 and he at it all. 90 minutes later he laughed for 1 hour and passed out. I find them soothing but he was right screwed up by it. And he uses an 8g a day license.

The human body is messed up
It's a weird one for sure. I've had 100 lb. females not getting high, and 350 lb. guys get all messed up :eyesmoke:
I know we are all different
I know a 95 pound girl who took a gram a day after only a week and her 350 LB boyfriend was floored off of 25 mgs lol
still, from everything I have witness and seen
there is no high from hooping it
kids would know
and people who have never been high as well...

ps as for women and using sups for menstrual cramps....
The last girl I made some for said and I quote
" How come I can taste the coconut oil? "
OK, simplified reason IMO.
THC is fat soluble.
So, it is likely the 100lb female burns fat to fuel her body, instead of carbs, otherwise she would likely not weigh 100 lbs.
Now the 350lb guy is likely fueling his body body with way to many carbs and not enough fat, which is likely the reason he weighs 350 lbs.
So I surmise the woman has used up a lot of the THC burning fat before it has time to metabolize. Just a wild guess.
It is a great hypothesis but I met a guy that was a 400 pound massive fat dude and he felt nothing and that time i think I laughed an hour and fell asleep.
It doesn't bypass the liver at all. Infact thats where the magic happens and THC is converted to 11-hydroxy THC which is 6 times more potent. That's why edibles should be taken at lower doses if you're new to them.

Medium Chain Triglycerides are more easily absorbed by the body and tend to hold more THC than butter

Thanks for correcting me!
Thanks for correcting me!
you do not get high takin it up the ass.. lol
for the same reason
is why you do not get high eating fresh inactive THC
you do not get high when your liver does not break down active THC after being ingested.

keep reading please.

When administered rectally, the plant medicine directly enters the bloodstream through the cell walls and goes directly into the body, which is quickly distributed through the vascular system. It is a direct application to the bloodstream, bypassing the liver. The liver is a key to getting high. THC travels through the liver to the brain to induce a head high. When smoked, it travels through the lungs to the villi, then on to the liver. When taking it orally, it makes its way to the liver through digestion. This method takes the longest because of the digestive process and the amount of travel it takes to get to the brain. In the brain, THC interacts with nerve receptors, causing euphoria.

The bottom line: Cannabis suppositories allow for larger doses of plant medicine without the head high versus smoking and ingesting orally.
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Weed Suppositories May Be the Future of Medical Marijuana

But not because they get you stoned — just the opposite, in fact


Humans have been sticking drugs up their butts for centuries. It’s true: Mayan pottery depicts ritual enema scenes, suggesting that the ancient indigenous people of Mexico and Central America anally administered alcohol, tobacco and even hallucinogens.

Fast-forward to the1970s, when rumors persisted that Fleetwood Mac’s Stevie Nicks (the Queen of Rock and Roll) had developed such a high cocaine tolerance—and such a damaged nasal cavity—that she could only get buzzed by having someone blow the drug directly into her rectum through a straw.

Fast-forward once again to today, when there are not one, but two terms used to describe the act of inserting drugs into your ass: Boofing and plugging, both of which suggest that people are still finding good reasons to put drugs in their butts.

The biggest reason to do so, of course, is that butt drugs result in a quicker (and potentially stronger) high. That’s because the drug bypasses the upper gastrointestinal tract digestive processes, meaning it reaches the circulatory system in greater concentrations (and significantly less altered).

But in a world where legalization is increasingly widespread—and where medical cannabis is being used to treat everything from anxiety and weight loss to cancer and addiction—should we seriously consider sticking weed up our butts, too?

The medical marijuana community seems to think so, and for good reason: Consuming medical cannabis extracts with a high THC percentage—a method commonly used to treat the symptoms of serious ailments like cancer and HIV/AIDS—can induce an overwhelming psychoactive high for many patients, especially those without much of a tolerance. But in suppository form, this same weed promises fast-acting therapeutic relief without the “head-high.”

“From my research—and working with at least 75 people over the course of two years—there’s no recorded ‘head high,’” says Paula-Noel Macfie, indigenous science researcher and founder of the gloriously-named Back Door Medicine, an organization dedicated to providing access to cannabis suppository research and education. “That’s why my dad supported my business: This isn’t about getting high—this is strictly a medical application.”

According to Macfie, cannabis inserted into the rectum bypasses the liver, which would normally distribute the drug to the brain (getting you high). Instead, the drug is released directly into the bloodstream, providing only the pain-relieving effects. “When someone says they feel high after using a cannabis suppository, they’re simply experiencing relief from pain and suffering,” Macfie explains.

Leading medical cannabis expert Dustin Sulak says this makes cannabis suppositories ideal for treating issues around your lower half, like rectal cancer and vaginal disorders. Macfie has, in fact, turned to cannabis suppositories to treat such issues. “I had an awful anal fissure; I had tried everything,” she says. “I purchased cannabis oil and did a little research on compounds—I chose cocoa butter. After inserting the suppository, my fissure was gone within two days.”

Because weed suppositories don’t get you fucked up, Macfie believes this method of delivery may attract otherwise skeptical people who could benefit from the drug’s therapeutic effects. “It’s a way into the plant that’s accessible to everyone,” she says enthusiastically. “I say that because the people who find me to help them make cannabis suppositories are usually elderly, disabled and suffering—who because of their mindset and generational outlook (especially Baby Boomers), would never touch the stuff. But because there’s no ‘head high,’ they’ll try it.”

While cannabis suppositories aren’t currently widely commercially available (probably because most people still aren’t comfortable with shoving drugs up their ass), they’re pretty easy to make at home. Simply follow this recipe, and heed this advice from Sulak: “Start at a low dose (3 milligrams of THC), and gradually increase the dose until you have a good understanding of how strong the effect is and how long it lasts,” he says.

Then sit back, relax, and put on some Fleetwood Mac.

It also brought in “per se” limits for drug blood levels, a legal shortcut that means police can lay criminal charges based solely on a driver’s level of THC in the blood, without having to further prove impairment.
This is the only part of the bill I care about. They aren't even hiding the fact that cannabis impairment is irrelevant, only a THC level that I will never achieve. This will be laughed out of court - the constitution clearly states laws must be "justifiable in a free and democratic society'
again constitution says you don't have to be placed in a position to choose between your health and your liberty... in order to look after your health....
its one of the main reasons we did well during the mmar court cases, because we could all stand behind the charter....