been doin this for years dude.Proof is in the pudding as they say. Cant deny simple science friend. What works for some may not for others. That doesn't make it conclusive. Read the literature on it.
Its absorbed into the blood yes, which then is metabolized by your liver. Thats how the body works. No bypassing the liver.
More for people who can't keep food down or are even able to swallow. Not so much for Up the kazoo suppositories is probably not a growth business. It may work and all im just saying.
More for people who can't keep food down or are even able to swallow. Not so much for rec.
The science is in. Unless you're one of those science deniers? Just like some don't get anything from edibles like myself, it may not be effective for SOME. But to blindly state it doesn't work when the facts say otherwise is false. Maybe it doesn't work for you or some others. That would make it an exception not the rule.been doin this for years dude.
no one gets high takin it up the wazzoo..
sure they may feel a slight effect but not the same as when the liver gets it first!!
I speak from many peoples experiences here. no matter what the literature says unless the guy took it up the wazzzooo its useless info
Other than the simple fact YOU GET THE MOST BENEFIT FROM TAKIN IT UP THe wAzZOOo>> Yes you certainly do at that!
I suggest people start taking it this way so they get the best treatment for cancer..
then to start ingesting as well
The science is in. Unless you're one of those science deniers? Just like some don't get anything from edibles like myself, it may not be effective for SOME. But to blindly state it doesn't work when the facts say otherwise is false. Maybe it doesn't work for you or some others. That would make it an exception not the rule.
I agree that all forms of consumption combined would be the best way to cover all bases.
It's a weird one for sure. I've had 100 lb. females not getting high, and 350 lb. guys get all messed upI am actually amazed that people can not get high with edibles. I gave my friend a brownie and said eat 1/4 and he at it all. 90 minutes later he laughed for 1 hour and passed out. I find them soothing but he was right screwed up by it. And he uses an 8g a day license.
The human body is messed up
It doesn't bypass the liver at all. Infact thats where the magic happens and THC is converted to 11-hydroxy THC which is 6 times more potent. That's why edibles should be taken at lower doses if you're new to them.
Medium Chain Triglycerides are more easily absorbed by the body and tend to hold more THC than butter
you do not get high takin it up the ass.. lolThanks for correcting me!
This is the only part of the bill I care about. They aren't even hiding the fact that cannabis impairment is irrelevant, only a THC level that I will never achieve. This will be laughed out of court - the constitution clearly states laws must be "justifiable in a free and democratic society'It also brought in “per se” limits for drug blood levels, a legal shortcut that means police can lay criminal charges based solely on a driver’s level of THC in the blood, without having to further prove impairment.