Federal Tyranny must end!

Well if you paid attention in school, perhaps you remember how certain percentages of African American ancestory were considered black by default, 1/16 if I recall correctly. Hence why he is perhaps incorrectly still labeled as such today.
So what did you mean by labeling him "black"?

obama self-identifies as black, so that's how i refer to him.

and i can understand why he would identify as such. would 5 year old you consider this classmate of yours to be white?

How can the citizenry be held accountable for lack of integrity and competence of the government given the unaccountable rhetorical story line of the politician, the political party and the media running the government?


A few years later and facing a 17 Trillion dollar debit, it is now the opposing Senators whom are "irresponsible and unpatriotic"?
More on topic:


"In the last 17 years, the DEA has conducted over 528 raids; 270 of these have happened under the Obama Administration."

How many of these raids have occurred in Michigan this past year?
where they black-


only the shit nosers keep bringing it up. i thought i was judging competence. who knew?
these truckers-

what a joke. theythink a bunchal tractor trailers are gonna shut down the belt-way. what the hell is that? for three days, lol.
The economic cost just to be a pain in the ass as these truckers wish to do would personally cost them thousands of dollars outta their own pocket. These fools simply couldn't afford it to begin with.

Politicians will always promise more than they can deliver. Besides they are only one representative amongst many in congress. Part of this stems from compromise which has become a dirty word instead of being an attribute of a responsible statesman. The other reason for this over promising is due to the primary system causing a candidate to have to court their partys base only to have to move more to the center for ageneral election.

In all honesty, the debt isn't that important right now. Inflation is extremely low, lending is at historically low levels. The deficit is shrinking. The problems facing the economy are two fold. Still large unemployment and under employment, with the second major problem being consumer confidence.
The economic cost just to be a pain in the ass as these truckers wish to do would personally cost them thousands of dollars outta their own pocket. These fools simply couldn't afford it to begin with.

just like medical cannabis users. the difference is i think they'll do it. how many at the last pot rally in lansing? 50?
I've enjoyed and participated political rallies but due to obligations means I must prioritize my time. I think at this point is simply a waiting game until the state is legal. Look even politicians are considering it. Genie is outta the bag at this point. There is no going back, only forward.

No doubt a couple of these ass hats will drive around wasting time and money. As if it will result in anything, now not a chance. People have better things to do particularly the non crazy and those with actual practical goals. These dumbasses are simply making noise
In all honesty, the debt isn't that important right now. Inflation is extremely low, lending is at historically low levels. The deficit is shrinking. The problems facing the economy are two fold. Still large unemployment and under employment, with the second major problem being consumer confidence.
Honesty and this political story should never be used in the same sentence. Obama took an economy "incompetently and unpatriotically" burning a half trillion more than it was taking in and literally tripled that in no time (1.4 trillion). Obama was then forced by congress to cut that tripling in half. Is there any integrity in Obama's repeated statement that he "has cut the deficit in half"?!? Is the fact that this government is also now collecting the most tax dollars it has in it's history skew this story line as well? Shall I carry on as to how this bullshit story line, taxing and spending, along with a complete failure of leadership has caused the large unemployment, under employment and hit in consumer confidence this country now faces.
I'm not sure you're getting the nuances of the financial collapse. At this point in history we were losing over 300,000 jobs a month. That's huge! Spending from the government creates demand it had to be done. the global credit markets were frozen. Banks had no access to liquidity. foreclosure rates were at an all time high. It was a necessity for the government began quantitative easing, buying $80 billion a month of bad debt. This allowed the bad debt to be take it off the books from financial institutions who took advantage of loose regulations and poor management.
I'm not sure you're getting the nuances of the financial collapse. At this point in history we were losing over 300,000 jobs a month. That's huge! Spending from the government creates demand it had to be done. the global credit markets were frozen. Banks had no access to liquidity. foreclosure rates were at an all time high. It was a necessity for the government began quantitative easing, buying $80 billion a month of bad debt. This allowed the bad debt to be take it off the books from financial institutions who took advantage of loose regulations and poor management.

You may want to set down that Kool-aid brother, I had not even addressed the damage caused by simply printing cash at this rate, no less the true outcome of same ;) Doesn't this story line not contain a bunch of "Green Jobs" financed on our children's backs? Whom do you expect to pay for this leadership/reality as it is simply passed on to another generation(s)?
the green jobs funding with a drop in the bucket. This whole worry about the next generation is nonsense. Our country has had debt for most of its existence. A common misconception about federal debt is it is the same as an individuals. It is not by a long shot. Different rules apply.
the green jobs funding with a drop in the bucket. This whole worry about the next generation is nonsense. Our country has had debt for most of its existence. A common misconception about federal debt is it is the same as an individuals. It is not by a long shot. Different rules apply.
Did you catch post #45? How did we get from that reality to this one you and Obama now speak? Was the story line "true" then or now?
What about being a nation ruled by private banks? Yes having a budget in place is great, but how good can it be if it's all borrowed into existence with a debt bearing interest? IMHO the rest of these probelms should be secondary to minting our own money. We'll just be stuck playing their game until then.

If the government didn't control the people, then someone else would. It is the human way, someone is always in charge. It sucks, but the strong will always rule the weak, one way or another.
I'm glad this conversation remain somewhat civil. I don't speak for Obama by any means, and to be honest I'm disappointed in him. But that's neither here nor there, and how we got to this mess was with banking having to be propped up by the federal government. If we didn't do that our economic situation right now would be much worse. This not as an opinion this is researched, studied, and documented by people much smarter than myself.
we got into this mess by banks being unable to cover there bats in the financial market. The housing bubble created toxic mortgages which are then placed into collateralized debt obligations which are traded and sold on the open market. Thanks decided to shorter on investments knowing the mortgages for toxic causing the colapse of AIG insurance company which allowed banks to insure their bets.