Feds Tracking Credit Cards...Without Warrant


Well-Known Member
Feds tracking credit cards, store purchases without warrant: report

By Daniel Tencer
Thursday, December 2nd, 2010 -- 9:13 pm

Federal law enforcement routinely tracks individuals through their credit cards, cell phones, car rentals and even store customer loyalty programs without obtaining a warrant, an online privacy activist has discovered.
According to a document (PDF) obtained from the Department of Justice by online privacy activist Christopher Soghoian, federal agents working on a criminal investigation can draw up their own paperwork requesting that credit companies and retailers give the agents real-time access to purchases made by a particular person.

No court reviews these orders, and the only role courts play in the process is to issue a non-disclosure order to the retailer or credit card company involved, meaning the person being tracked will never be notified of the surveillance.

The process is known as a "hotwatch," and it can be used to spy on cell phones, credit card use, purchases at stores when a customer loyalty card is used, car rentals, and flight ticket purchases. The process "sidestep any Fourth Amendment protections," Soghoian writes.

Ryan Singel at Wired notes the document doesn't set out standards for when an agent can obtain a "hotwatch" order. "The Justice Department told Soghoian the document is the only one it could find relating to 'hotwatches' — which means there is either no policy or the department is withholding relevant documents."

-more here and here


Well-Known Member
Does this really suprise you? the gov' keeps track of you through so many idfferent ways that they wont admit its not even funny. My younger brother actually worked for the agency which monitors phone calls which they said were looking for overseas calls to listen for "terrorist activity" but they were actually listening to ALL the cell phone calls in the USA. They also watch all the internet activity and your library activity also. Just be aware that big brother IS watching and be careful out there.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't surprise me, but it does concern me that the Big Brother police state just keeps chugging along, abusing the citizenry and there are no major protests.

I posted this just to bring it to anybody's attention who might be interested. It really doesn't matter what surprises me or what I think.


Well-Known Member
its too keep us safe, they dont care about pot, they care about terrorists and the like, people really have a bad perception of the gov, usually the ones farthest removed and least informed...


Well-Known Member
its too keep us safe, they dont care about pot, they care about terrorists and the like, people really have a bad perception of the gov, usually the ones farthest removed and least informed...
I'm sick of all the brainwashing about being safe. It's not about safety, it's about restoring the constitutional law of the land. We've lost our libeties by buying into the bullshit about being 'safe".


Well-Known Member
I'm sick of all the brainwashing about being safe. It's not about safety, it's about restoring the constitutional law of the land. We've lost our libeties by buying into the bullshit about being 'safe".
I 100% ful agree with you. If you give up your rights and liberties for safety you will have neither. I think Ben Franklin said something like that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Ben warned us. So did Eisenhower.
Don't forget Wilson and JFK too.
If you said what Kennedy does in this speech people would label you as a "Conspiracy theorist". 1:38 is the key phrase.



Active Member

I love using my check card... might have to start making cash purchases a little more often than I like to already. :/


Well-Known Member
Don't forget Wilson and JFK too.
If you said what Kennedy does in this speech people would label you as a "Conspiracy theorist". 1:38 is the key phrase.

Yeah it's not a coincidence he was silenced. JFK and Robert Kennedy were our last chances. they were the greatest American politicians-Maybe we can hope for Paul or Ventura


Well-Known Member
Yep, Beardo, America lost its way at that point, and has been too stubborn to turn around. We are way out in the weeds,now.


Always be conscious of what you buy with a credit card. The very first thing I learned about growing was to make your stops at the ATM before hitting the garden supply store.


Active Member
using only cash at the garden supply store isn't bullet-proof either. They can case a store and just raid those they feel worthwhile. Well maybe not raid 'em all, but at least case them too.

if they wanna catch growers, they can. But at least lets protect ourselves somewhat and make them work for it at least a little.


Well-Known Member
Any information the keep, no matter if it's the colour of your hair, how many squares of toilet paper you use a day or if you buy seeds online. Nothing is deleted, discarded or erased. It's all compliled and catalogued for future use and reference when and if it's needed by whatever government (Blue Meanie) agency.