Feed or Flush?

I'd switch to full sterile and reg nutes but that's up to you.

You can prune roots and not have problems. I have done it many times. I have also run organic dwc, I had issues till I got it in check. If you want organic go to soil. Not worth the effort it's one or the other in dwc.....I think you gotta dial in your organic. And by putting in h2o2 and chlorine in you made a cesspool of crap in there
I may switch once I run out of what I got. Yeah I know it's bad but I had no choice with the h2o2 and chlorine. I also have circulation problems and drainage problems. Next grow I'll do better, I just have to get through this one.
I may switch once I run out of what I got. Yeah I know it's bad but I had no choice with the h2o2 and chlorine. I also have circulation problems and drainage problems. Next grow I'll do better, I just have to get through this one.

Yeah if you want organic you have better ways to get there.