Feeding advice.

As you can probably guess it's my first Hydro grow. I went with the general hydroponics waterfarm. I'm trying one bucket for the time seeing if I can make this one work I'm all in with the 8 bucket system. So far things are going well the plant is exploding so my rough idea of feeding is working well. But I do want to go by conductivity if I can. So my question is my tap water is right around 200 tds the plant is up to right around 10 nodes (probably 12 by the time I get home from work today :-P) I'm trying to replicate SCOTTYBALLS grow with pineapple express shown here " https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/344359-pineapple-express-g13-labs-seed.html " by just using floranova bloom the entire way through. My newbie question is he's using ppm I'm using tds. How do I measure my floranova when I'm mixing for my water changes? Is there a guideline for how much to step up and when to do so? Thank you if you can help!


Well-Known Member
TDS and PPM is the same thing, tds is total desoved solids, ppm is parts per million, not sure I understand the question.
Well that makes sense then. I thought there tds and ppm were measuring conductivity but in different measures. Nonetheless hydrotim Thanks I'll check out your link. I can definitely see the difference between hydro and dirt that's for sure. I'm only in it a month.


New Member
Electrical Conductivity or EC is what most meters read then convert to ppm. Most people need to know that meters can only measure electrically charged salts in solution. If your a soil grower certain thing won't actually read. Its a little different ball game in soil.