feeding; molasses and nutes, alternating or simultaneous?


Guys (and a few girls :blsmoke:) I need some guideance.. My 7 ladies have begun their 10 week of flower cycle.. I believe they have atleast 3-4 weeks left. (I will be posting pics once that time gets closer :weed:)
For the entire flower cycle (beginning around Aug.1) I've been watering 1x/6 days with 1-2 tblsp of nutes per gallon distill.. *every feeding, I split 2 gall H2O between 6 pots (there are two plants in one pot for some odd reason :roll:) feeding 7 plants.
Well today is feeding day and I've been planning on incorporating molasses.. (hopefully this will help the buds beaf up a little :eyesmoke:)
My question is.. is it safe/or smart idea for the next 2 or 3 weeks to alternate feeding of distilled H2o&nutes and distilled H2o&molasses??
Is it safe to feed molasses and nutrients simultaneously? *1 gal distilled H2O w/.5 tblsp nutes & 1 gal distilled H2O w/1.5 tblsp molasses*

thanks for the advice RIU.org bongsmilie

Brick Top

New Member
This doesn’t exactly answer your question but maybe it can help you decide if you want to use molasses or not.

“Molasses and Plant Carbohydrates”
Sugars relating to plant functions for maximum economic
Printed by permission of Texas Plant & Soil Lab, Inc.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS that affect when and how much sugar to use:

a. How much nitrate is in the soil, and plant sap (petiole test).
b. Soil moisture conditions.
c. Sunlight intensity.
d. Temperature.
e. Wind
f. Fruiting stage / load
g. Growth / vigor [shade lower leaves]

The right amount at the right time can improve fruiting and produce normal
plant growth with less attraction for disease and insects.

Needed for healthy plants - fruit production - plant development &
Roots take nutrients from the soil and transport them up the stalk thru the
petiole (stem) to the leaves where the sunlight aids the production of
photosynthates (sugars are not the ONLY product of photosynthesis)
carbohydrates (C, H & O), principally glucose (C6H12O6) and then other sugars
and photosynthates are formed.
Plant Sugars and other photosynthates are first translocated (boron is
essential to the translocation) to a fruiting site. If fruit is not available, the
sugars, along with excess nitrates, spur the rapid vegetative growth of the plant
at the expense of creating fruiting bodies (first sink) for the storage of the sugars.
Once the proper balance of environmental factors (heat units, light intensity, soil
moisture, nutrient balance, etc) are met, the fruiting buds form and then fruit
formation gets the first crack at the sugar supply.

Any excess sugars are then translocated to the number two sink, (growing
terminals,) to speed their growth. The left-over sugars, etc. then go to the
number 3 sink, (the roots,) to aid their growth. Here the new root hairs take
up nutrients to help continue the cycle of sugar and other photosynthate produc-
tion, fruiting, growth of terminals and roots.

MOLASSES is probably the best outside source of many sugars, such as table
sugar, corn syrup and several more complex sugars such as polysaccharides
found in humus products.

- Sugar can be added to the soil in irrigation water, drip & pivot being the most

* In the soil it can:

- Feed microbes to stimulate the conversion of nitrates to the more
efficient NH2 form of N to synthesize protein more directly by the plants.
- The roots can directly absorb some of the sugars into the sap stream to
supplement the leaf supply to fruit where it is most needed, and ALSO directly
feed the roots for continued productive growth.
- This ADDED sugar can also help initiate fruiting buds in a steady-slow
fashion while maintaining normal growth.
-EXCESSIVE amounts of ADDED SUGARS applied foliarly can shock the
plant resulting in shortened growth internodes, increased leaf maturity & initiation
of excess fruiting sites. This can be a short term effect lasting only a few days.

Pollination, soil moisture, nutrient balance and sufficiency as well as
adequate light for photosynthate production decide how much of the
induced fruit can mature.


most ppl only do mollasses once a week(w/nuts), then flush last two weeks w/just water

Brick top, thanks for the knowledge..

Skunk, is there an appropriate proportion?
I believe I will simultaneously feed them both nutes and molasses but in different proportiontions. :idea: I want to slowly ween them off the nutes (up until flushing).. So I'll reduce this feeding by 1/4 - 1/2. *1 gall distilled w/.5-.75 tblsp nutes and then I'll follow-up with *1gall distilled w/1tblsp molasses..
I plan on continuing this for 3 weeks (so if I start today..that will be 3-4 molasses feedings incorporated into diet...) :neutral:
I hope I didn't wait too long into the plants life cycle to begin incorporating molassess sugars.. :wall:

This is my first grow :eyesmoke: (actually an adopted grow..) 7 lovely ladies in 6 pots w/soil, distilled H20, CFL only, never have checked PH and they look glorious *which I attribute to good soil, distilled H2O, and MCG nutes..I believe there are 5 different strains as well.. (which is going to be a task in itself to determine and classify.. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
ahh i gotcha man .. well lets make a good en'!!

wut i do ( i use a 2gallon watering can and fox farm trio and a drop of sueprthrive)
lol they are on roids right now hehe

I use roughly 3tsp of of each FF nuts and a 1tsp per gallon of water and a drop of superthrive and they are freakin growing so fast.

i hoped this helped hehe!!!!


ahh i gotcha man .. well lets make a good en'!!

wut i do ( i use a 2gallon watering can and fox farm trio and a drop of sueprthrive)
lol they are on roids right now hehe

I use roughly 3tsp of of each FF nuts and a 1tsp per gallon of water and a drop of superthrive and they are freakin growing so fast.

i hoped this helped hehe!!!!

yea sounds like you really tryn to pump up your buds bongsmilie..my next grow I want to incorporate foxfarm products..
do you check your pH often?

When flushing (*2 week period), do most use ONLY distilled H2O or do they flush with H2O & molasses?
I've read about people using molasses after flushing??!!:roll: thats what I dont understand.. after the flush why would more molasses be needed? i thought just 48 hour darkness.. :roll:


however I must take into account thats theres probably nute build-up currently in the soil... feeding today and only using distill h2o and molasses would still provide some nutrients (build-up in soil)

Brick Top

New Member
wut i do ( i use a 2gallon watering can and fox farm trio and a drop of sueprthrive)
lol they are on roids right now hehe

I use roughly 3tsp of of each FF nuts and a 1tsp per gallon of water and a drop of superthrive and they are freakin growing so fast.

That is somewhat similar to me. In flower I use Fox Farms Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom and add one drop of SuperThrive but I also add 2 tablespoons of molasses.
Based on how buds seems to react to it I have to believe the witches brew to be at least somewhat similar to what Barry Bonds must have taken so he could bulk up to hit all those home runs.


Well-Known Member
yea sounds like you really tryn to pump up your buds bongsmilie..my next grow I want to incorporate foxfarm products..
do you check your pH often?

When flushing (*2 week period), do most use ONLY distilled H2O or do they flush with H2O & molasses?
I've read about people using molasses after flushing??!!:roll: thats what I dont understand.. after the flush why would more molasses be needed? i thought just 48 hour darkness.. :roll:

sounds like u have done homework or done this b4 brother!!

while flushing just water!!

wut i do(b/c im lazy :-P) is fill watering can up(my ph out tap is 6.4) then just let it sitout for a day, then when i water add everything to it (the nuts, or w/e e.g. mollas, or superthrive)

I have watered my plants w/out doin the sitout method and .. really i can say there wrere no illeffects that i noticed ;)

That is somewhat similar to me. In flower I use Fox Farms Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom and add one drop of SuperThrive but I also add 2 tablespoons of molasses.
Based on how buds seems to react to it I have to believe the witches brew to be at least somewhat similar to what Barry Bonds must have taken so he could bulk up to hit all those home runs.

lol brick ur great man!!!

your absolutley to cool for school!!! 8-)


Active Member
use organic blackstrap molasses. i have used molasses while vegging and i think my plants like it a lot, i use it in conjunction with nutes. Also i have the personal experience of Not burning plants with too much molasses, im not even sure if you can unless you really fuck up.

But yea i would definitely go with molasses ive found it to be similar to any super carb or ripening or sweetner. And way cheaper, good luck.