Feeding plants dirty fishwater?


Well-Known Member
I used to work/volunteer at a pet store that was specific in aquatics. I got into reptile aquatics more and actually brought volume to the store with that hobby/obsession. Underwater waterfalls for goldfish display tanks. Shit like that. Pointless. But not to me.
Pet store closed. I couldn afford that hobby without it. So Now just my home tank of gourami.

Anyhow. Beyond the rant. I realized what the the feed was that made fish food from upselling dog and cat food, comparing ingredients labels.
Decided to do the same with fish chow.
man, holy shit. Yeah. Those tropical fish flakes and gold fish flakes Essp, have very low protein and tons of shit that I cannot pronounce. So now. Considering I don’t eat them. And have had them years and years. I use cheap bs food. But before when I had the af chiclids, demseys, and flower horns. Blood worms and crushed Crickets were the only food I’d buy