Feeding Question Please Help!


Hello all,

I'm going to begin feeding my plants (in soil) with 1/4 tsp per gallon.

The plants are in 1 gallons, so I've been giving them each a half gallon water each watering.

My question is, since I've been giving them a half gallon of normal water,

how much of the nutrient dissolved water should I give them? half gallon still? Some of the normal water then some nute water?


Active Member
just mix the nutes and feed with this and no normal water for 1 feed, just dont mix it to strong or ya get huge probs


k thanks I'll take it easy see how they react.

start off with 1/8 tsp per gallon since I give them a half gallon each


Active Member
just remember you dont have to feed till there gettin bigger as soil does contain some nutes, I just looked at your pic and if there that small no feed yet!