Feeding Silica Blast at 1 Week?


Well-Known Member
Would a light dose of Silica Blast be safe at 1 week from sprout? I've got less than ideal conditions going on...getting temps up to 91 and no real way to combat it at this point. Thought maybe some silica would help them out in these temps...The humidity is low, hardly ever going over 40% - got an overkill outtake fan but the giant carbon filter is creating too much resistance to cool it down enough inside the tent...Was pretty happy with 88f (under the circumstances), but after adding the carbon filter I gained several degrees for my peak temps...

SB is 0-0-0.5, so it's already real light and if I cut the recommended dose in half I thought maybe it'd be safe at this age...any thoughts?

They seem to be doing okay considering the conditions...got one that's twisting a little and the one in the center is not doing so hot, but the others seem to be fine atm...just growing a little slow.

Larger ones on the left are between 6 and 7 days from sprouting, smaller ones on the right are between 4-5 days from sprout.

Running 21/3 photoperiod, 1x 600w MH bulb, 480cfm outtake fan up top in 32"x32"x63" tent with passive intake at the bottom open on opposite side of fan


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't. What is your soil?
bat guano, kelp meal, some seaweed extract, wood chips, peat moss and worm castings along with some of my moms compost and a little added perlite mixed in, then about 3/4" layer of perlite on top...probably hot for young plants but they aren't burning yet...don't really know the ratios - kind of winging it..

also lightly sprayed diluted neem oil yesterday just as a preventative measure...it was dry within 20 minutes - just a fine mist...

Oh the light is about 2.5 feet from the top of the plants, and I've got a fan which is set in front of the passive intake blowing directly over the "canopy". It feels 'cool' if you put your hand down by the plants, but I'm getting readings of up to 91f...the room outside the tent is pretty cool year round. Not freezing but cool...
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Pass it Around

Well-Known Member
I just got some mad farmer silica stuff and the ratio of nutrients in it is so small that I would use it. Others say not to but hell I will try it out on some of my younglings if you want and let you know. It is supposed to help during stressful times and whats the most stressful times of a ladies life? when she is born and when she is about to die.


Well-Known Member
I just got some mad farmer silica stuff and the ratio of nutrients in it is so small that I would use it. Others say not to but hell I will try it out on some of my younglings if you want and let you know. It is supposed to help during stressful times and whats the most stressful times of a ladies life? when she is born and when she is about to die.
That'd be sweet - especially if you can do a side by side comparison in here so others can know what's up w/ early silicate feeding...haven't been able to find any info on early feeding with Rhino Skin, Silica Blast, Gold Silica or anything similar.

I can't water again for several days either way so they won't be getting any soon...

Pass it Around

Well-Known Member
That'd be sweet - especially if you can do a side by side comparison in here so others can know what's up w/ early silica feeding...haven't been able to find any info on early feeding with Rhino Skin, Silica Blast, Gold Silica or anything similar.

I can't water again for several days either way so they won't be getting any soon...
My seedlings are about 3 nodes tall, I think they might bee too late to compare that. However I have some seeds I can pop :D I will figure it out and post the results. Hopefully it does something because if it doesn't its just another waste of 15 bucks :P.


Well-Known Member
So I have no idea why but all I did was raise the light about 6 inches, rearrange things inside the tent for better airflow n replace the stationary fan with an oscillating tower fan n my temps dropped down to 81f in about an hour...does that seem Fucked up to you? 10 degrees just like that ?

Guess the silica can wait for a couple weeks. Ima give one of the girls a light dose next watering just to see if it can take it...the rest can wait until feeding starts
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That doesn't sound fucked up at all. I was going to tell you to adjust your intake and exhaust until I read your last post. Your tent is approximately 45cu ft and you say your fan is rated for 480cfm, your tent shouldn't be any warmer than the ambient temp of the room it's in and if it then you've got a restriction somewhere in your airflow. Make sure the duct on your exhaust fan it's as strait as possible and you might consider a larger intake or possibly a second one. .


Well-Known Member
That doesn't sound fucked up at all. I was going to tell you to adjust your intake and exhaust until I read your last post. Your tent is approximately 45cu ft and you say your fan is rated for 480cfm, your tent shouldn't be any warmer than the ambient temp of the room it's in and if it then you've got a restriction somewhere in your airflow. Make sure the duct on your exhaust fan it's as strait as possible and you might consider a larger intake or possibly a second one. .
Hell yeah...back on track ;)

I had the fan dialed down with a speed controller before I added the carbon filter, but once I attached that filter everything went to shit for a day even on full blast. I had the flex duct bent a little too much, really bad air circulation inside the tent and pretty close to the outside of the intake was a big metal cabinet so it was restricted even more. Just took a little common sense to get things in order. Thanks for the response


Well-Known Member
I've never used this...I'm a greener when it comes to my garden and prefer construction mesh, tho many of my buddies have used this to a degree, it really is a product of greed and mismanagement IMHO...? lol