Feeding Your Plant With Breastmilk?

i think your plants need more protein...

I only use the finest brest milk. 100% cambodian, that shits the real deal.


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i just dont know what to say anymore...i could tell you how and why breastmilk isnt going to work...but why should i bother..your probably going to do it anyways because google has no record of anyone else doing it.this might just be the nail in the coffin for me here...but to the OP..i will leave with some tips....get a list of the needed key elements for growing marijuana...or about any other plant...and match it to your list of elements in titty milk...and see how close they are...im can bet they are not.
Don't give your plants breastmilk. Your desire seems to stem from the same thought that people have about 'feeding' your plant molasses because they need carbs. Shit doesn't work like that, please read basic plant biology before calling people "haters" for knowing that your inexperienced idea makes no sense.

I almost thought someone was going to go the hormone route and say the hormones in breastmilk would make the plants boom. Different hormones yet people see the word and think it carries over across all boards.
OK! so i gave my plants breastmilk! and well all of you were right! haha not a good idea but i diluted it with water and the plant took off! as soon as i get my laptop fixed i will post pics. but hey i had to do it noone did it and now you guys now...
not to worry dude mosta these guys are afraid of experimenting, i geuss they must still think the world is flat too..breast milk is quite similar to cows milk as far as your plants are concerned, going on the breakdown you posted earlier it looks like a great bloom addative. pH might be a little high so you may haveto add some acid (most base nutrients have a pH buffer in them anyway), however this may cause it to curdle. good luck with it, props for the new idea tho!
I'm gonna give my plants a bacon egg and cheese biscuit from McDonalds. That shit's got lots of proteins in it! I'll post pictures later....
A bacon, egg and cheese flavoured biscuit? o_O I don't even want to imagine what that would taste like after dunking it my tea.
A bacon, egg and cheese flavoured biscuit? o_O I don't even want to imagine what that would taste like after dunking it my tea.

its not flavored man its basically a patty made out of egg with bacon and cheese inside, put in a bread biscuit.......sounds healthy right?
not the kind of bicuit you eat with tea, I think those are called bland cookies here in the US, i may be wrong.
as to the thread..........WHY THE HELL WOULDNT YOU JUST USE WATER?! next big thing, give redbull to your plant because the caffeine will give them the energy to shoot up 3 ft overnight then theyll fly right into the drying closet, and with a last bit of energy, trims itself and produces 13 lbs a plant. dude just go get some miracle gro general plant food, and bloom ferts, about 10$ for both,and unless your producing it yourself i dont think the milks much easier to come by.
Lets just say you tried this. Can you imagine the stench from the rotten milk after 8 to 12 hrs of heat and light.