Feel like shit hangoverrrr


Well-Known Member
So for the past two days ive gotten drunk and high
the first day it didnt get to me...probaly because i was still drinking and smokeing

but now

i dont get normal hangovers from drinking
my stomach hurts...and my head feels weird

and my eyes hurt..like im tired or somethin

ughhh i hate alchol:cry:


Well-Known Member
i can empathize im coming off about a 2 week opiate bender right now and feel l ike shit really really really shitty


Well-Known Member
Actually if you take a couple tylenols or aspirin before bed after a night of heavy drinking and some gatorade for the morning or before bedtime with your tylenols to gain electrolytes back into your body. most hangovers are due to dehydration. in my personal experiences gatorade/powerade cures headaches/dizziness almost instantly.

I don't drink but most/all my friends drink and I've told them all this and they all say it works. Just the tylenols before bed alone does wonders.

Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
i can empathize im coming off about a 2 week opiate bender right now and feel l ike shit really really really shitty
im about to go cold turkey on opiates too man so if you need anyone to talk too im here man, i know im kind of a noob here but you seem like a cool guy so im down to help