Feeling a little discouraged about my first grow... week 7 of flower


I hope you took clones, that is a frosty bitch.. You should kill it next round when she's not fed as much n dialed in a bit more.
Didn't take any clones but they are from a reputable company in my area, going to do all the same strain next time. Maybe some Dream Queen or Jilly Bean from the same people :)


You are doing great those will fatten big time in the next few weeks ,I think you are going to be pleased, just hang in there . This is the hardest part for a new grower,you think you are fucked,but that's just because you don't know how much girth those girls are going to add,I guarantee in two weeks you will look back and wonder at your aprehension. Truly. .it's all good,don't let that deal go down sister! Jerry wouldn't likd it ...lol:peace: