If you cant grow because of expense, knowledge or in ability, you have to allow someone else to do it for you, just like you would assigning a caregiver to grow for you.
In either of these cases, the forum isnt the co-op, its just a forum like any other one, the difference of is its all LOCAL AZ PATIENTS and CAREGIVERS...
THOUSANDS of already verified patients posting growlogs excess meds and tons of Local AZ growing Knowledge..
The only people who talk shit and dont want to be on AZCS are people who don't understand how its ran legally or have been banned from the site..
If you want to stay private and not be a
VERIFIED member, you CAN! you just cant access patient to patient forums... its all standard common sense really.
So lets see if we're straight.
1. If you can grow, then do so.
2. If you can't grow and want to purchase meds
LEGALLY then you need to give your grow rights up
3. Using the forum, and using the co-op are 2 different things.
4. Using the forum does not require you to give up personal information.
5. Using private sections of the forum for
VERIFIED PATIENTS requires you to be
VERIFIED. ( you can do this in person at any co-op or by sending a photo copy of your card ) ( You can black out all private info )
Maybe this will help you understand...
P.S. Im not an admin of AZCS im mearly a member who enjoys growing in this beautiful state of AZ. If you too would like meet other AZ patients and caregivers the url is