Fellow Pothead Servers Post Here


I'm making a thread to bitch about my job.

Saturday night I got a 9-top of all 20-22 year old snotty girls. I gave them good service but I wouldn't serve the one girl cuz her 21st bday was the next day. So I checked her ID, noticed it said 9/27/88, and walked away. On my way to the computer to put it in, I'm trying to figure out what todays date was, lol. I realized it was the 26th not the 27th and went back to break the news. She argued about how it was only one day off and I informed her that the liquor control board would not see it that way if they walked in and I need my job. So all was well all throughout the meal. I came a few times to see if they needed any more drinks, any sauces for dipping, etc.- and they ran me for sauces and boxes and refills like crazy. No big deal, thats what I'm there for and I'm happy to do it. But then at the end of the meal, I asked how many checks, and they said "all separate", which makes my life 9 times harder than it needs to be. But whatever-- again-- I'm a server thats how I make money- by serving people. So I took care of their 9 checks rather quickly, got them change, credit card slips, etc. It wasn't until then that ONE of the girls decides she doesn't want to pay the auto-tip of 15% added to large parties. So of course all of a sudden I was rude, I gave them bad service, I treated the b-day girl rudely. She told all this to the mgr while I'm listening trying my best to bite my tongue. Then she tries to say that she is also a server and I couldn't hold back. I asked her where she worked because I knew she was lying. The mgr gave her some gift cards and sent them on their way. After they left, the mgr told me that he couldn't see me giving bad service to a table and that they just wanted something for free.

I really cannot stand my job which is a big reason why I'm undertaking this new endeavor . Nothing to do with this site, lol.

All in all, it's an OK gig. I mean theres not many things one can do and make decent money at without a college degree. Oh wait I have one of those too. Thats another post.

So I made this thread so I can bitch and so others can bitch too. I know I'm not alone, theres gotta be more servers/restaurant workers at RIU. And I know there are those who will say if you don't like it do something else. I'm working on it....


Well-Known Member
Nice rant! hopefully you got it all out.

Did the server thing years ago when i was younger, good money, good food (i was in a steakhouse), but not the ideal job really, i mean, let's not sugar coat it.
College degree to fall back on is a good thing but a lot of times the job that you got educated for can be tedious as ***k!

Most of my friends now are ex military and all have badges with cushy state jobs.
Went to trade school myself and enjoy my work, i'm self employed as a contractor but pretty much do what i please, (as long as my clients are satisfied).

Not much i can really advise on, just figure out where you want to be in life and try to have no regrets. Don't forget to enjoy yourself!


Well-Known Member
I had the best job ever as a server a 1 in a million job for 2 years.

I worked at a cybercafe, basically what that required was looking after the store, being on a computer all day adding time to the accounts, and occasionally once or twice a day turning on a coffee machine and taking it to someone.

the best part was 80-90% of my job was just sitting on a computer checking out websites playing videogames with the patrons which were mostly my friends, the boss was a good mate of mine as well so I never had any trouble.

Infact one time a guy (a regular) I told to leave the computer alone downstairs while the boss was operating upstairs stood up and pushed me into a wall (hand around my throat), one of my friends there got up to kick his ass but I put a hand up and stopped my mate, then kicked the guy and punched him in the nose, ive never seen so much blood in my life pour out of a nose (I was a active martial artist at this point) but the best bit was the boss saw this all on cctv upstairs came down and after he got him cleaned up in the bathroom made him clean the blood off the carpet Lol.


Well-Known Member
I fucking hate waiting tables. I'll never do that job again. I made damn good money at it too. 1500 to 2000 grand a week. In no way is a job that stressful worth the money and the head aches. I personally recommend people stay in school and get an education to avoid such shitty jobs.

I was always shocked by the fact that people treat you like dirt (for no good reason) and the general attitude and offensiveness people give off when their dish comes out fucked up (it's not like I was cooking that fucker).


Well-Known Member
I fucking hate waiting tables. I'll never do that job again. I made damn good money at it too. 1500 to 2000 grand a week. In no way is a job that stressful worth the money and the head aches. I personally recommend people stay in school and get an education to avoid such shitty jobs.

I was always shocked as to fact that people treat you like dirt (for no good reason) and the general attitude and offensiveness people give off when their dish comes out fucked up (it's not like I was cooking that fucker).
I guess thats part of a waiters roll, to act as a buffer between the customer and the kitchen, if a chef ever heard all the shit said about his food he would quit so fast.

undercooked food usually is the result of a place that seats 70 on a saturday night the boss hires 8 chefs and everyone expects their food in the first 4-8 minutes.