fem blue mystic


Active Member
you will notice the ambers when they show up. you need to check many calyxes, the heads will turn amber first, when the trichome is all amber including the stalk, you are on the edge of done/overdone.

sativas do usually have thinner leaves but in some S/I crosses you will find they are very similar. the ratio of leaf compared to bud is different with the BM. the sativa tops are really leafy, the indica tops are really hard thick buds with minimal leaf. they both taste and smoke very similar too.


Active Member
well that kinda sucks because i was looking forward to be chiefing on a nice indaca i hope at least its a nice couch lock high im not so fawn of the head high how would you say the sativa BM high is like heady over body or about the same??


Active Member
its similar, both phenos are still a cross. just one looks more staiva and one looks more indica. the sativa has a better smell and taste in my opinion. the high is similar. you can get your nice body high at 50% amber no problem. i had some mixed with indica bags and nobody called me complaining :D


Active Member
ok so its week eight and im not to happy with the way my plant is looking its getting worse everyday to be honest im kinda embarrassed to show you guys these pictures im thinking of doing a 3 gallon flush or maybe more not to sure what to do any suggestions tips does anyone know what is happening IMAG0214.jpgIMAG0215.jpgIMAG0216.jpgIMAG0217.jpgIMAG0218.jpgIMAG0219.jpgIMAG0220.jpgIMAG0221.jpgIMAG0222.jpgIMAG0223.jpgIMAG0224.jpgIMAG0225.jpgIMAG0226.jpgIMAG0227.jpgIMAG0228.jpghere you see the pile of leaves i cut off mostly from the two bigger budsIMAG0229.jpgIMAG0230.jpgIMAG0231.jpgIMAG0232.jpgIMAG0233.jpgIMAG0234.jpgIMAG0235.jpgIMAG0236.jpgIMAG0237.jpg


Well-Known Member
nute burn this far along not too much you can do about it now i would say watch the glands and harvest accordingly if your at week 8 tops id wait is another week are all of the pistils pretty much colored


Active Member
i dont know how you had so much burned leaves to start. the leaves will change color and die off when you flush it. your taking all its food away, so its using whats in the leaves. i think its ready man.


Active Member
nute burn this far along not too much you can do about it now i would say watch the glands and harvest accordingly if your at week 8 tops id wait is another week are all of the pistils pretty much colored
nute burn? hes flushing. no nutes are used for a flush.

the pistils arent what he is checking either, its the trichomes in the calyxes.


Active Member
i dont know how you had so much burned leaves to start. the leaves will change color and die off when you flush it. your taking all its food away, so its using whats in the leaves. i think its ready man.
so you think i should do the chop, also are you sure its not nute burn not that im using any, but could it be built up in the soil and being released because of the flush?


Active Member
its not nutes. it had brown tips weeks ago. it looks like light burn, how close was your bulb to the closest tips? what was the temperature at the closest point?


Active Member
i would chop it. it looks like all the pistils are dark. its gonna be hard to check the trichs through all that leaf. get another one started.


Active Member
my temps at the highest bud stays at around 74-77 F. about chopping it, i feel like it would be best if i do one more flush just to be sure it comes out clean. what do you think?


Well-Known Member
you good bro dont worry bout it just chop when you wanna chop your at the finish line so you good bro chop dry and light that shit up


Active Member
lol ok guys you have convinced me to do the chop when i get back from college ima murder that pretty girl how can i say no to that.....


Well-Known Member
kill her kill her lol thats what it is i was just over my kuzzo crib gave him some clones were at the same week flowering his buds look bigger than mine but the resin production is about 30% what mines is he used an and i used ff he had so other foliar spray and shit i just used molasses as a sweetner i would say its a tie plus my plants were neglected no fan or anything in the tent lets see how he competes with my ebb and flo lol


Active Member
ok well im back and im about to start trimming i just hope its the right thing to do ill post pictures as soon as im done


Active Member
well that was not as fun as i thought it would be lol, but it was very rewarding!!!! i weighed it and ended up with 96.6 grams but i subtracted 10 grams because of the sticks so about 86.6 in all i think ill have around 30-36 grams im very happy with that. i have to say one thing IT'S ABOUT FUCKING TIME!!!!! im not sure if i want to keep growing the plant unless you guys say it would be a good idea if not can you guys give me ideas of what strain to grow next im looking for something that is strong a indica and stays short with not to heavy of a smell.... thank you to everyone who helped me i appreciate it very much!!! enjoy the pics its my first bud porn ever

