Fem BLUEberry, Big Bud & Mystery girls--> White-Wrapped Hydro-Rockwool LST'ed, SCROG!


New Member
Easygrinder your foreal still draggin this on??????? And right there you just said you used mixed MH and HPS good for you. I'm talking about HPS and CFLS. I tried to drop it but you just keep bringing it back up. No I haven't done "side by side" grows but lets see for the second time my first grow was with cfls with ak47xlowryder, second grow SAME STRAIN, SAME SOIL, SAME NUTRIENTS, SAME FANS, SAME ROOM, SAME EVERYTHING except light. I got twice the amount of bud from ONE plant with LESS TRICHS. I'm tired of you telling me I'm wrong. I know what the hell I saw (and no I can't "get it tested for thc levels i live in the u.s.) stop fuckin pestering me about it. And for gods sake fucking drop it. I stated a couple posts ago that I will retract my statement. Now you just need to STOP FUCKING BRINGING IT UP................. And with all that said I will no longer acknowledge anything else about this subject in this thread.

you tried to stop and i kept bringing it up, you sure about that, go back over the thread and see my post where i said we should just agree to disagree, then have a look who posted after that about cfl lights, see people like you are only happy to drop it when they have the last word, its like we'll drop it but cfl's are better than hid for resin, then i'm just supposed to sit here and let it all go, i stopped and it should have stopped there but you guys kept carrying it on, and now your trying to make me look like the agressive one when none of my posts have been such,

we'll i'm more than happy to leave it so you guys need to let it die too


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't care what he has to say anymore just wanna see the blubes grow into nice nugs.

I don't know about that one now bro. Weezy is tearing the game a new asshole. Got to say he is my most favoristist of favorites of all rappers lol. I mean I would even chance going to a black club to see him. I also think I have EVERY single song he has made downloaded to my computer. I love me so WEEZY F. BABY please save the baby lol.

Now if we are talking hip-hop then I'm fucking IN. CUT IT OUT with the freaking lights convo. OFFICIALLY IT IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get a room if you want to discusss those differences...I can't even make sense of it anymore :confused:

Lil Wayne is the shit...i know he's nasty but crap I just love how arrogant he is and he's so gross. hahaha. I'm obssessed with the new song w/ that girl "turnin me on"....Love that beat. the radio has some pretty shitty music but the beats can be tight...specially timberland or snoop.

i'm a skinny white girl on the outside, true hip-hop blood on the inside I guess. haha. guess I just like the rebellion part of it.



Well-Known Member
I like you guys that are fighting, so stick around --but please stop!!! shit. think about what you guys are saying to eachother! this is the internet..its not the real world. I mean, its kinda real, but seriously. No need to have a hostile day and bring negative energy into the room and yourself. I'm serious now...if you want to fight then go somewhere else but if you want to have an adult convo, and state your opinions, thats fine. EVERYONE is going to disagree with eachother......thats fucking LIFE!!!!!! WHO CARES!???????????? you are obviously wanting the last words but what does that do? Niether one of you is going to believe the other so what does it matter?


now, young weezy...
i'm sorry intution...still the mama?

oh and I said prior, i'm not puttin pics of my babies...3 kitties that is. They are too cute to be exploited by some marijuana site. my god, have some respect brother, seriously. lol :hug:
They are my little secret ;) But you did see the supercropping they did on my weeds in that vase.

OH and for Knally...if you had read deeper ya would have seen I only supercropped like 3 of my plants. Most are lst'ed for like 3 weeks, and are now allowed to grow vertical....the stems on most are curvy, and I will retrain them soon once they get taller. They are kinda short plants to be supercropped i think......not sure :)


Well-Known Member
Thats cool man I don't mind people speaking their mind. I gotta say different though so but its all cool.

yeah speak the mind, but RESPECT & dont judge. its pretty damn easy-- we learned it when we were like 4. hahah...thought I would be a hippocrate for a second. That was a joke :)


Well-Known Member
I feel like I need to change my name to Ms. DR. Blueberry, Marijuana User Therapist. At your service.
crap i guess thats my own damn fault. Ok lets lighten the mood and have some fun here.


Well-Known Member
147 posts:
10% Topic of Blue's plants
90% Topic of Lights

hahaha.Ok I'll drop it :)~
Man this thread is big already.......I might have to make another!!! crap guys


Well-Known Member
when you are talking about weed cultivation... you know music is gonna get brought up. lol... im a white boi through and through but musics music. doesnt matter where ya from...
lil wayne has some hot beats but that nigga... realy is a goblin... now lets not get startd on soulja boy hehehe :)


Well-Known Member
ive got something to discuss... bit of a bone to pick i must say...

what is this super cropping you speak of, hear it often but don't get it.


Well-Known Member
when you pinch the stem of a node, or main stalk, then push it over, or twist it over. it maxmizes light hitting the buds. making each bud its own lil main cola.......... very good technique Pe@ce..


Well-Known Member
147 posts:
10% Topic of Blue's plants
90% Topic of Lights

hahaha.Ok I'll drop it :)~
Man this thread is big already.......I might have to make another!!! crap guys
Blueberry is the mother on this thread trying to keep eveyone calm including myself lol. I give props to lil wayne cool hats off u make tons of money and sip on a drink thtas for throat medicine. im more UGK/East coast underground music. Thats the REAL hiphop blood that should be inside of u girl!! :hug:. Hugs all around people.

Oh and thats messed up we cant see one kittie, greenkilla put both his dogs I put mine...you gotta do your end!


Well-Known Member
Blueberry is the mother on this thread trying to keep eveyone calm including myself lol. I give props to lil wayne cool hats off u make tons of money and sip on a drink thtas for throat medicine. im more UGK/East coast underground music. Thats the REAL hiphop blood that should be inside of u girl!! :hug:. Hugs all around people.

Oh and thats messed up we cant see one kittie, greenkilla put both his dogs I put mine...you gotta do your end!

haha yea. ill put up my kitties hehe.. i think i should put better pics of my op up first though.
yea zanex bars, codeine, and nasty teeth... make you the ultimate rapper. ahah im gonna have to go with my boy sun.y. from my hometown... gettin a few guys around here signed in atlanta


Well-Known Member
haha yea. ill put up my kitties hehe.. i think i should put better pics of my op up first though.
yea zanex bars, codeine, and nasty teeth... make you the ultimate rapper. ahah im gonna have to go with my boy sun.y. from my hometown... gettin a few guys around here signed in atlanta
STATLANTA! yea thats where its at baby ;D. Yea when you come on your own album and speak try to come into the booth SOBER so we can understand. Every damn album on weezy its like "yeeaaa hewww wanzted uh puhduction diel" thats translates "He wanted a production deal". THE fuck weezy take another sip lol.

Okay atleast 1 kittie.


Well-Known Member
ill put mine up later if i can get my hands on a digi cam..... hell yea magic city... im trying to go down there this summer after i get my crop money...


Well-Known Member
oohhhhhhhhh well maybe, if you keep begging then maybe I will. I enjoy the radio crap for what it is......but I really do love the true underground stuff, so don't worry your little heart out there.

Ok speaking of me having a little ghetto inside, I love dancing and watching good ones....Check out this video on You-Tube....it is one of the tightest C-Walkers I've ever seen, and the kid dancing is like 16. Don't miss it....only 2 minutes!!!

I try to appreciate the talent in all cultures. ;)

p.s. See below Shackle.....3 pics of Supercropped plant as described by the wonderful Jtoth, and then the last one is just LSTed like most my plants.



Well-Known Member
oohhhhhhhhh well maybe I will put a pic or 2, if you keep begging then maybe I will. I enjoy the radio crap for what it is......but I really do love the true underground stuff, so don't worry your little heart out there.

Ok speaking of me having a little ghetto inside, I love dancing and watching good ones....Check out this video on You-Tube....it is one of the tightest C-Walkers I've ever seen, and the kid dancing is like 16. Don't miss it....only 2 minutes!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_kDD9p8_V8

I try to appreciate the talent in all cultures. ;)

p.s. See below Shackle.....3 pics of Supercropped plant as described by the wonderful Jtoth, and then the last one is just LSTed like most my plants. They are ALL 2 week-OLD PICS!!


Well-Known Member
awww your too kind..............
supercropping is realy the best technique that doesnt take any learning... you yeild so much more its insane... anyways... *edit

ayyyy. he is smooth with it.. i used to be able to do that shit in like 10 grade..