Female C99 - ready to harvest?


New Member
Hey boys and girls!

I grew a female C99 from female seeds and it's doing great so far. The seed was put in earth on 16th August and put to flower on 8th September. So she is 11 weeks old, flowering for 8 weeks. It is my very first grow.

Anyways, some buds of the plant look incredibly mature (many orange hair) while the top cola seems to have too many white hair. But compared to last week, the top cola didn't thicken up anymore compared to the lower buds. Since C99 is known to have a special type of high that gets lost if you harvest too late, I am wondering if i should wait another week or not so the top cola can fill up with dark hairs or harvest right away. I am also wondering if its possible that I trim the buds that I think are ready and wait for the other ones to follow up by giving them some more days/weeks of light. 1 week ago I accidently broke a very small branch with one small bud when I was setting up the branches with strings so the light reaches the buds better. I have quick dried that little bud and I was amazed how potent it was. It was definately hitting hard. Can I expect much more thickening or do I risk that the nice head-high is getting lost if I wait any longer?

I attached some pictures.

I am happy for every answer ! ;)



Well-Known Member
C99 is one of my favorites...there are 2 phenos I know of...a grapefruit one and a pineapple one...C99 is one of the few you really need to check trics to see ripeness..I had a pineapple and a grapefruit pheno this year...the grapefruit finishes early..around 56 days..the pineapple can go to 65 days...C99 is a killer strain and so over looked..taste great...has a pick me effect at first then a stony ending...sticky as all hell...

get a loop (scope) and check your trics..if any amber cut....if all cloudy cut..thats what I like on C99 all cloudy or mostly cloudy...thats when its best for the racy buzz at first..your looks very sativa...nice...


New Member
C99 is one of my favorites...there are 2 phenos I know of...a grapefruit one and a pineapple one...C99 is one of the few you really need to check trics to see ripeness..I had a pineapple and a grapefruit pheno this year...the grapefruit finishes early..around 56 days..the pineapple can go to 65 days...C99 is a killer strain and so over looked..taste great...has a pick me effect at first then a stony ending...sticky as all hell...

get a loop (scope) and check your trics..if any amber cut....if all cloudy cut..thats what I like on C99 all cloudy or mostly cloudy...thats when its best for the racy buzz at first..your looks very sativa...nice...
Hey tyson, thanks for your quick reply. I have just found a loop after searching half an hour. ;)
As far as I can see, they are all cloudy. ;) The plant smells very much like orange/grapefruit, it's so tastey!

There are some VERY small buds at the bottom that have appeared 1 week ago and didn't mature fully yet. Shall I just harvest the buds that are fully grown and give the smaller ones a few more days to mature? I think this way I will highly increase the final yield.

I am thankful for your support.

Best wishes


Well-Known Member
you can do a second harvest..take whats plump and smokable now..let the others fill out more....

when I cut my cindy down about 3 weeks ago..I left some small buds on the branches..now 3 weeks later they usable buds for hash or oil...I mean they were small..size of a cashew nut..lol..now they walnut size..and to top it off..its been very cold here at nights and they are doing good out there..I am going to take them soon for making butter..they are all sugared up...
Now I want to try a C99 crossed with a true blueberry...I know it will be a good strain...you cant go wrong with cindy...great strain...

Po boy

Well-Known Member
start cleaning the pipe. looking good! recently i harvested my fifth C99 (absolutely love cindy) and i like sativa high i get when cut them on day 56 of flower. i get the same results when harvesting on day 52. i don't have the nerve to let them go longer than that. GL