Female Calyx or Male Pollen Sacks ? Please Help


Active Member
Fuck. These are Feminized seeds and this plant has pistils as well. Should I remove these or just dump the plant ?


Well-Known Member
Just wait yet they do look like balls at first. But sometimes flowers start out looking like that right on nodes.....If you wait just a couple days isn't gonna matter and will be better than to just chop that way you know for sure. I had strains look like this and turn out female from reg seeds also.


Active Member
They are not in clusters? Only one little ball each side of each node? Don't look like any male balls I've seen. Nuts normally show in a cluster one shows up shortly followed bt many more smaller ones. I'm saying female


Active Member
Just wait yet they do look like balls at first. But sometimes flowers start out looking like that right on nodes.....If you wait just a couple days isn't gonna matter and will be better than to just chop that way you know for sure. I had strains look like this and turn out female from reg seeds also.
Fucking HOPE, that's what I'm talking about. So you think I should see if some pistils come out of these things over the next couple days ?


Active Member
Fucking HOPE, that's what I'm talking about. So you think I should see if some pistils come out of these things over the next couple days ?
I would say yes normally if the balls get that big there not alone just like when a hottie posts in lace and frills next thing you know every guy around the world is showing up lol.


Active Member
They are not in clusters? Only one little ball each side of each node? Don't look like any male balls I've seen. Nuts normally show in a cluster one shows up shortly followed bt many more smaller ones. I'm saying female
There are 2 on each node. One on each side. You think it's a girl ?


Active Member
I thought they were Calyx at first but I am not the most seasoned grower around and wanted to get some input. I sure hope this ain't no fucking Hermie !!!


Active Member
That's how pistils grow one on each side of each leaf on each node. Well normally
These dudes had me freaking out. If anything you have given me peace of mind for now because that is how they are. One on each side BABY !!!! Thanks bro, I really appreciate it. I will watch this close but hopefully they are Calyx.


Active Member
I have luckily only ever had one plant hermie, it did it late in flower and no balls ever appeared but that bitch started popping bananas


Active Member
I have luckily only ever had one plant hermie, it did it late in flower and no balls ever appeared but that bitch started popping bananas
That shit is my worst fear right now. They both look great and showed pistils quick so I figured the only thing to worry about now is Hermie mode. Fucking stressful !!! Hopefully those babies pop some V hairs soon !!!


New Member
These dudes had me freaking out. If anything you have given me peace of mind for now because that is how they are. One on each side BABY !!!! Thanks bro, I really appreciate it. I will watch this close but hopefully they are Calyx.
Give it a few more days. And if you have white hairs coming out, you have a girl. True hermies are pretty rare, from my understanding. And most males I have seen seem to have their "balls" or pollen sacks hanging more from the side, but that is just my observation on a small number of males I have seen. Regardless, it should not hurt you to allow it to grow out a little more, and preflower a little more, will it? Good luck, man! Fingers crossed for a female for you! I have a few pics of a male plant within about 5-10 pages of my grow thread, so if you feel like it, check it out! Happy Thanksgiving!


Well-Known Member
Ya i agree. Hermie's are later in flowering and if you had pistols showing out of tops then more than likely she is a she not a he.


Active Member
its too early to tell....youll know when you see the balls, theyre obvious, also the females will have whit hairs, i see neither. how long ago did you put em in bloom?