Well-Known Member
okay, dogs and humans, different species. your dog is not going to tell you if it likes that medicine, if you've given him too much, if it's working, if he's in pain. you have to be able to interpret on your own, and I'm sorry if this hurts - but if you were intuitive enough to be able to do that, you wouldn't be having problems like these.Its fucked and cruel.. to interrupt my freaking sleep! That's whats cruel! Its not cruel to give your dog something to calm him down dude... thats like saying that its cruel for doctors to give their patients meds for anxiety.. to help calm them down.
heres an analogy for you. a parent decides to get a couple kids because they figure that way they'll have some help around the house. then they act surprised when all the kids do is act like kids and drive them crazy. then they dose them with xanax so they'll stop crying and they can get some "freaking sleep". hint: you are the parent, the dogs are your kids. imho, social services dropped the ball.