female or hermie??


Active Member
Take a picture of a lower part of the branch it will show signs quicker that the tops will.
And yes moash, the question was female or hermie?? and luda said its a herm. I would agree.
That was the question.
YOU are a douche bag, for all sorts of reasons but to list a few: Your posts are 3-4 short poorly structured sentences, giving you 800+ posts in 4 months. Great, nice stats... Your information, if any, has been of piss poor quality and you seem to care about everyone elses achievements (i.e. luda trying to prove something to you). Not only do you need a life, you should act nicer in the forums; it will benefit the community. Your negative talk and judging should really stop. By the way, I am not a female (another one of your half-whit comments) and if I were you should treat everyone with the same amount of respect even if I am too far away to knock your head off. lol.


New Member
Take a picture of a lower part of the branch it will show signs quicker that the tops will.
And yes moash, the question was female or hermie?? and luda said its a herm. I would agree.
That was the question.
YOU are a douche bag, for all sorts of reasons but to list a few: Your posts are 3-4 short poorly structured sentences, giving you 800+ posts in 4 months. Great, nice stats... Your information, if any, has been of piss poor quality and you seem to care about everyone elses achievements (i.e. luda trying to prove something to you). Not only do you need a life, you should act nicer in the forums; it will benefit the community. Your negative talk and judging should really stop. By the way, I am not a female (another one of your half-whit comments) and if I were you should treat everyone with the same amount of respect even if I am too far away to knock your head off. lol.

thanks "fureelz"
take it in your stride and dont get mad about it,



Well-Known Member
the plant's real short, so taking pics of the lower branches is kinda hard, i've been looking for the bananas , didn't see any today either, i'll keep looking tho..

i should be sure when I get back, i'm going away for the long weekend... i'll be back tuesday night, so the update will be wed...

i'm also gettin batt's for my own camera, it might take better pics....



Well-Known Member
Dont feel bad man, I got one myself that the Wifey and I can't make our minds up on.

i dont feel bad... i'm just curious, cuz luda said he sees brown pistils... i dnt see any, they look "amber" in the pics, in person they look real white... i'm still at home, didn't take the drive today, storms.... i'm leavin tomorrow

, i did find some grandma's molasses for 3.29 at the supermarket thou... just diluted some n added it to my plants...

still no bananas.... :-P:-P


Well-Known Member
Yeah actually today I found out mine is female just it looks so different but they r bag seed so fuck who knows.
those balls I thought I had were leaves coming out.

Ive had females start with amber pistils b4, "Alice" in my first grow, and she is budding nice and no nanners.
Luda is not always even close to correct, I'm not going into that, but safe to say people are prone to being wrong, either no fault or otherwise.
I just wait a week or so longer to make sure. im glad I didnt off her, she is really pretty even has 3 bud sites starting.
I think she went when I took her off my light rack adn put another in her place and she got alot less light, I think that forced her to get it the hell on.


Well-Known Member
I think she went when I took her off my light rack adn put another in her place and she got alot less light, I think that forced her to get it the hell on.

you gotta do what you gotta do...

mine are developing beautifully, never thought with the crappy nutes (MG and colorburst total cost around 7 bucks for both) n abuse they've taken they'd be so nice by now... i do have some leaves browning in some areas, some of it's the burn frm the light last week, the others i can't be sure...but it's minimal, i'm guessin it's just nrmal plant stuff... i do wonder why they're not smelling as much anymore... when they were about 2.5 weeks old my whole apt stank bad... now it's not that bad, maybe i've gotten used to it....

either way this is the second week since pistils started to form (it took about 15-18 days for them to show)... so i guess another month and a half or so.... cant wait:weed::weed::weed:

even if the weed aint that good i guarantee its gonna be the most satisfying smoke ive had....

until my next grow, which will have more lights, a bigger box and maybe some autoflower seeds from attitude:-P.... we'll see.... :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Yeah you will prob love it, there is something about your own grown I think...
Man I wouldn't do auto flower, mainly they aren't as potent. You can force flower after a few weeks on alot of strains anyways.
Read up about it, if that's something you really care about, you may have other needs.
Attitude I read is one of the best, I have a personal friend that recently bought from there, I will myself near the end o the year.


Well-Known Member
hmmm... i just need short plants cuz my apts closets are full, i can't have an extra grow room cuz theirs no extra room..so a box it is and short plants..... i force flowered these, they're bagseed though... i thought i'd vegged them for a month or more but my g.f today reminded me that i started after vacation, and i got back round the 12th of july... so i only vegged them for like 3 weeks, if that, i also topped em.. then 12/12... and VIOLA! short, bushy, pretty plants... i was wondering:

by the end of this grow, like right when I harvest, could i take a branch of this plant as a clone?

so i dont have to grow a whole different one and go thru the sexin n shit?? i knw it's the lazy route but yeah... im just wonderin....


Well-Known Member
i dunno about the clone that far along, its always possible im sure but your leaves may not be up for it long enuf for the hormones to change over to start rooting...
I dunno, start a thread about it, it would be worth trying I'm sure.
Im not gonna fool with cloning much I have a shit load of seeds and I can get them bigger in a month than I can a clone.


Well-Known Member
true dat... imma try it anyways... i also have bout 100000 seeds so yeah, but most of them come from some CRAPPY ass grass i got.. i'm talkin bout dirt weed, smoke like 3-5 joints to get high type of weed.... which kinda sux...


New Member
Yeah actually today I found out mine is female just it looks so different but they r bag seed so fuck who knows.
those balls I thought I had were leaves coming out.

Ive had females start with amber pistils b4, "Alice" in my first grow, and she is budding nice and no nanners.
Luda is not always even close to correct, I'm not going into that, but safe to say people are prone to being wrong, either no fault or otherwise.
I just wait a week or so longer to make sure. im glad I didnt off her, she is really pretty even has 3 bud sites starting.
I think she went when I took her off my light rack adn put another in her place and she got alot less light, I think that forced her to get it the hell on.

luda is always right.
and if he aint sure he does not post.



Well-Known Member
luda is always right.
and if he aint sure he does not post.

:-P:-P funny shit... refering to urself in third person n shit...

anyways, a new pic for today, taken today.....you can appreciate the office depot box i recycled to use as white reflectiveness... i couldn't bear to see that box go in the trash, too wasteful...i'll get sme reflective film for that box at some point, i gotta get sum money first......

you can also see how close i keep those lights to the plants.... that's as far as they've ever been...
AAND i dnt want to hear about not being enough light, i'm not spending more mney on light at this point, so it's not worth it...

for the record i got 8800 lumens in that box, it's 1.25 sqr feet ...

there's also browning in the leaves to the right of the pic, what could that be? the browning on the left is temp burn frm last week, still healin itself... those leaves were uptop, but I tied them to lower it...

gonna watch some tv now... laterz!!:blsmoke::blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
how many CFLs you got?
Also I wouldn't bother with seeds from plants that took you that much to get high on,
not even worth it. If you don't use enough light you wont get the yeild,
I've already learned that one, you can reall never have enough CFLs
here look at mine


Well-Known Member
i have 1 42 watt and 1 23 watt per plant, so its 4 in there, i used to have more but they clanked into each other when I moved them, i worried one would break, so i took em out... 1 23 watt is daylight, the others are soft white... my plants are small, not nearly as tall as urs... i'm going to try and fit 2 more 23 watt softwhites in there... i'm also not expecting huge yields this time, i haven't spent 100 bucks on shit yet, but i really can't spare 100 bucks, that's big money for me right now... i'm 1000 miles away from home, working a shit job, and if i want to keep living in a decent place, all my $$ goes to rent n bills.... ALL my $$...


Well-Known Member
i have 1 42 watt and 1 23 watt per plant, so its 4 in there, i used to have more but they clanked into each other when I moved them, i worried one would break, so i took em out... 1 23 watt is daylight, the others are soft white... my plants are small, not nearly as tall as urs... i'm going to try and fit 2 more 23 watt softwhites in there... i'm also not expecting huge yields this time, i haven't spent 100 bucks on shit yet, but i really can't spare 100 bucks, that's big money for me right now... i'm 1000 miles away from home, working a shit job, and if i want to keep living in a decent place, all my $$ goes to rent n bills.... ALL my $$...
Yeah I sold my furniture to and my SLR camera to finance mine. Ive been unemployed since Oct, almost a year now.
I have 54 26w 2700k CFLs 6 68w 2700CFLs and some 2 42w
yeah you wont get far with that little bit o light, and to remove them because they clang, well I would just make a fix to that problem rather than deprive them of light.

I got hundrededs into mine, I just got done wiring a 60amp service panel into my grow room because I am over loading the 25amp branch i ran when I started, all from too many CFLs LOL, I have about 20 some 6500k CFLs in my veggies as well so I use alot of juice