?female or male?

i got these two little plants.1week old. same seeds from the same batch of weed, but one stem is bright green and one is purple. does that have to do with anything about the gender?


bud bootlegger
nada damn thing.. you will only be able to tell the sex of them once they show preflowers, which is usually any where from around a month or six weeks from seed,,


bud bootlegger
alright thanks.about when should i see it start to bud after i do 12/12?
depends on how long you veg them for.. but i usually start to see small buds forming at around two or so weeks after i flip to 12 12.. i have some going now that i flipped on dec 13. and they are just starting to form tiny buds now..
ok and one other question.... how much bud do u think i can get off of a plant that i do 1212 at two weeks old and then harvest at about a month and two weeks old??


bud bootlegger
ok and one other question.... how much bud do u think i can get off of a plant that i do 1212 at two weeks old and then harvest at about a month and two weeks old??
so, you only want to flower her for about a month? why on earth would one want to do this? the buds would be really premature and not very dense, not to mention that the potency would be in the gutter.. at the least, most strains take about 8 weeks just to flower..


Well-Known Member
ok and one other question.... how much bud do u think i can get off of a plant that i do 1212 at two weeks old and then harvest at about a month and two weeks old??
What kind of lighting are you using? I read somewhere that you average around .5 gram per watt. Not sure how credible that is so don't hold me to it though...lol


Active Member
Yeah ur best bet is going to be that u let it veg and get bigger before u flower but its always good to get use to growwing and just have fun with it. Topping ur plant after u let it get as tall u can let it would be ur best bet those if u wanted more buds in a small place
just a little cheap ass thing i spent 50 bucks, its a light for a lizard cage. 26 watt uvb. and yeah i heard about that too. i guess i would get like a half oz if thats true. and do u think it would be fine if i didnt use a fan? because i still left a part for air to get inside the grow box


Well-Known Member
ok, what can happen to the plant if i dont hav a fan?
Anthony, the place where air needs to change frequently is right at the surface of the leaves (mostly the underside, if I remember correctly). This is where it is releasing toxins as well as taking in CO2. You can change all the air in the room every 5 minutes, but if it's stagnant in and among your plants it won't do much good. That's where a gentle fan comes in. I learned this the hard way in my first grow. Built an awesome, tight room in basement, plenty of ventilation etc. No fan. Plants didn't grow much, started to die. Figured it out in time though, and they perked right up when I put a fan on 'em.