Female plant almost donenow showing male glands on top of buds


Well-Known Member
lost you seem to be smart enough to answer myquestion
my class schedule and things like that dont allow me to get exactly 12/12 so will this be ok if its about half an hour off?
and would it be better to have extra dark time or extra light time?
Yes, you should be right. Doesn't matter if you want to give it half an hour extra dark or light. As long as the dark period is dark you should be fine. Keep the schedule consistent though. Timers are pretty cheap too.


Active Member
see my fem has trichs and yes i have timers my room set up is actually a pretty good one but when i say light leak , ii mean a regular light bulb my hps and mh are off and the room gets no natural light at all.


Well-Known Member
i dont think seeds from a hermie are any good my m8 got some master kush they hermied on him and i got the seed and planted it and guess what HERMIE


Well-Known Member
see my fem has trichs and yes i have timers my room set up is actually a pretty good one but when i say light leak , ii mean a regular light bulb my hps and mh are off and the room gets no natural light at all.
Sorry that answer was directed at smokeysmokey9.

now what if that plant makes a couple of seeds will they be good
They may have a disposition to hermi, but you never know if you don't try eh? I actually still have a couple of seeds from a plant that had late bananas from light leaks, but I haven't planted them so I can't say for sure..


Well-Known Member
see all this sexing talk and i found a male that decided to show his balls before i put them into 12/12
Kill it. Males usually show sex first. If you leave the plants in veg mode long enough they should show pre-flowers.

You got more going in? Are they the clones you took?