Female Seeds Co. Auto AK 1st Grow!! :D


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Whats up RIU So heres the deal i've grown once before was a reg strain not autoflower but I had to chop her due to *snitch* issues . Anyhow Im going to do my 1st full grow with these Female Seeds Auto Ak seeds. Which im excited because I Myself have searched the web so much for info on females seeds auto Ak with no luck most people have grown G13 Auto Ak or some other bank. Being that Female Seeds offers the cheapest Seeds if they Turn out good My veiwers will have a little piece of mind if they want to grow this bank! I recieved 5 Fem auto AKs and a freebie OG Kush From Attitude. I am growing 3 of the 5 fems. For my next grow i will grow the other 2 and also the Fem(reg) OG kush ok here we go Im currently at day 2 after sprout


-2x4or5 closet space not to sure but small
-3 Three Gallon Containers
-Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil
-Fox Farm Trio (Grow Big,Tiger Bloom,Big Bloom)
-General Hydropnics Cal-Mag (i read AutoS Love it)
- Seltzer Water for co2 Consumption
-themometer with Humdity
-added a bowl of water for humdity which does work (tested!)
-400 watt Metal halide conversion bulb for veg 6000k (18/6)
-400 watt HPS for flower 2700k (18/6)
-2 63 watt 2700k cfls (im going to add when flowering near bottom by
pot to attempt to help light where pop corn nugs usually form a lil idea
i came up with)
-only using distilled water

----going to buy----
molasses i have any idea which one or what to buy plz leave feedback?!
and anything else you can think of im missing???

Life Begins (100% with paper towel method love it!)

(100% sprouts roots down leaves up thats the way i like to grow ;)

(2 days old growin up so fast lol)


Active Member

So I've decided to do weekly updates This is the 1st of which. You are seeing week one or day 7 not a whole lot going on right now they are still small i am however excited to see what they look like next update day 14 because i estimate day 14-day 18 we should see if they autoflower and preflowers etc. So far only feeding distilled water and GH's Rapid Root Starter and Light Cal-mag. Id appreciate and followers/Supporters and Id like to hear anyones feedback if they have grown anything from females seeds co. ~so easy~ autoflowering or not see ya next time!



Active Member
So this is beginning of week 2 or day 14 My plants have took off with growth as far as getting busy still short tho im hoping to see twice that size in the next week or day 21. Still no preflowers yet but I am aware this normally happends around day 18-21 sometimes it happends early but that wont be the case as of yet. So far have only been feeding General Hydro Rapid Roots and Cal-Mag however today when i water Im going to introduce some nutes Fox Farms Grow Big and Big Bloom I think their ready wbu?? Of course I will Start Off very light with the nutes and Observe very carefully being this is my very 1st time using nutes at all. Praying my Grow continues to go well Want to get that 1oz per plant XD!



Active Member
So I see you've got a lot of lights, because of this I'd expect the plants to more compact, if that's the right word, if you see the pictures of my grow you might see what I mean. It might just be the strain. How close to the lights are they? Apart from that they look very healthy.


Active Member
yours actually look more "beefier" if you will lol then mine Im just assuming its my strain because I deff have enouh light with 400 watts on 3 plants..I have the light 3 feet away when i try to go any closer the temp jumps way 2 high to maintain on my current budget evertually i will purchase an portable a/c


Active Member
yours actually look more "beefier" if you will lol then mine Im just assuming its my strain because I deff have enouh light with 400 watts on 3 plants..I have the light 3 feet away when i try to go any closer the temp jumps way 2 high to maintain on my current budget evertually i will purchase an portable a/c
3ft is a big distance distance. What temperature are you running at? Post some pictures of your setup and I might be able to see some ways of improving the airflow. Have you not got any space PC or CPU cooling fans lying around anywhere?


Active Member
I have big fans and my temps are ok actually my plants for whatever reason took off even faster the day after my last update lol maybe it was cuz i introduced nutes on that day Also i have spotted the 1st sight of preflowers today but all in all mine arent way far behind yours i was worried so i did some research and found My strain is Sativa Dominate with it being AK 47 your strain is entirely Indica therefore your plant should have a faster growth rate and be more "bushier" than mine but at the end of the day we should both have some pretty good smoke :)


Active Member
I have big fans and my temps are ok actually my plants for whatever reason took off even faster the day after my last update lol maybe it was cuz i introduced nutes on that day Also i have spotted the 1st sight of preflowers today but all in all mine arent way far behind yours i was worried so i did some research and found My strain is Sativa Dominate with it being AK 47 your strain is entirely Indica therefore your plant should have a faster growth rate and be more "bushier" than mine but at the end of the day we should both have some pretty good smoke :)
In that case I'd move them closer to the lights. If it gets too hot for them you can always move them a bit, it's just trail and error for a bit really.


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thnx i appreciate the feedback also just read that plants stretch the most during preflowering and flowering so we should see some fast growth from here on out its ironic because women stretch thru pregnancy lol cannabis is just as fun to grow as it is to smoke XD


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So its day 21 or week 3 plants have continued to grow a little every single day looking okay so Far got preflowers all over not much to say although i am notice a slight curl downward of my leaf tips read this maybe due to over watering or slight ph imbalance so going to keep a close eye on that also Today Im going to switch from the Metal halide to the High pressure sodium been about 3 days since preflowers came out figure what the hell cant wait to see what next week brings



Active Member
They are all looking great! They are gunna shoot up over the next few weeks and start getting stinky. You might want to watch the temps when you change to the HPS because if I remember my physics correctly the HPS has more low energy (Infra-red) photons in its spectrum than MH bulbs.


Active Member
your right the metal halide bulb is actually hotter so im intrested in seeing can i keep my closet door closed now vs before it always had to be open with that metal halide


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Ok so i did Some ReCalculating and We're at Roughly day 28 or week 4 Ima gonna call it They have finally stopped growing upward and bushing and now just flowering for the most part! I could see white hairs since my last update week 3 but now theres 2x as many white hairs! starting to look like little buds not there yet but i can see it scratching the surface, I estimate by next update week 5 I should have visable little buds and week 6 and 7 I should have immature buds and hoping to wrap it all up end of week 8!! So half way there wish me luck!! they are lookin good little bit of a cal-mag def i think is due to my ph bein off a bit so not being able to uptake nutes ive been giving and I do not have a PH tester i spent all my funds on things I got for this grow and a good ph tester is about $50 from what I've been seeing. However With the erm..."royalties" of this grow im hoping to buy a 1000watt mh hps setup a portable a/c and a good ph tester i have priced all at $500 hoping to get 3 oz and move 200 a Oz with 1 hunnit to spare



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So its week 5 or week 1 of flowering! havent notice much change from last week only thing is alot more white hairs and startin to see very very little buds forming under the hairs im wondering to myself if they are suppose to be that small in week 1 of flowering im going to do some research to compare later but they are still healthy lookin good iving them half strenght tiger bloom nutes Hope to see the buds fat up alot by the next update! and let me say Im extremely impatient xD as soon as i saw white hairs and knew that it was flowering i expected this >>>> <<<< when in actuality as of now i have :(



Active Member
You aren't in week one of flowering mate. You're probably about 3-4 weeks into flowering. Flowering starts automatically after a week or two with autos. As soon as the rate of upwards growth increases and you see the first white pistils appearing you're flowering. Your plants are looking fine for how old they are. As the get into the last few weeks of flowering the budding sites start to really swell up, resin starts to cover your buds and leaves and the white pistils recede and turn orange.


Active Member
thanks!! in that case i am in week 2 of flower cuz 1st got preflowers 2 updates ago the plants themselves look great but im paranoid by how small bud sites are so far lol im really hoping to get that 1 oz per plant atleast :( all i can do is hope and wait xD


Active Member

yes time for yet another update Im gonna call it week 2 of budding not flowering but budding. The Plants are still looking good out of all 3 plants i have maybe 3 yellow leaves or spots 2 on 1 and 1 on another. The other one hasnt a single yellow spot or leaf ,anyhow they are all doin very well! the bud sites have almost doubled in size nothing major yet but i can tell they are indeed growing! Im really excited to see next week Im thinkin they will double in size again. Predicting 2 or 3 weeks left till harvest Im soo happy and kinda tired lol my first grow going all the way out it takes alot of time lol couldnt imagine a regular strain! thats time and dedication. So i've figured out what my next grow will consist of Im going to be doing DWC with 1 Think different seed ,1 Skunk auto seed and 1 Biodiesel Seed might throw in 1 of the remaining Auto Ak seeds and run four next time. Feed back apperciated and if anyone viewing this has grown any of the strains above please tell me your story/results! Till next time



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week 3 of budding and Im gettin to the relization that i may not get 1oz per plant like i orginally wanted but hopefully i atleast get close buds arent very very big but they do feel very dense so far so ill have to weight and see get it weight and see ...sigh never mind :p anywho Friday will be the offical 3 week mark of budding so Im probably going to harvest a week from this friday which will be next friday day after thanksgiving lol Im happy to have gotten this far with my 1st grow and Lookin foward to more I bought the cheapest brand of seeds i could find and maybe just maybe that had supin to do with yeild aswell Iono but my next grow. Im going to go for a Better strain xD they are frosty as hell tho so far smell is light but its smells like Sour Grapefruit and i have no idea why lol this is Auto Ak



Active Member
!!!UPDATE!!!Sooo I've harvested two of the three plants the two that i did harvest were 70% amber hairs. I was going to let them wait on the third which i will probably harvest friday because it still has 70% white hairs ..but Im going to have a very very busy week with my next day off not till wenesday of next week :( so i decided to chop those two while i actually have the time I'm quite Impressed with how much i have so far For some reason thought it would be less looking at the plant but it was very busy so hard to see the buds but it looks like alot so Far but idk Weight is whats most important not sight hehe :). Another Important thing to weight is smell and I have to admitt I was really really worried because throughout the grow and even at chop Weed had mostly a Maple PIne smell! smells just like a Maple Tree mix With a Pine tree So i was thinking :( man i probably got some weak azz weed. I did some research and most of what i read is Pine smellin weed is Usually some really good weed! which was tons comforting!! link to that topic of pine smellin weed http://forum.grasscity.com/apprentice-tokers/490875-pine-smelling-weed.html but anyways here are some pics and i hope i get more actual WEED smell during dry n cure and i cant wait to see how much i have total with last chop xD!


Active Member
Nice little harvest, especially for a first grow. The buds will shrink a lot once they are dried but that's just life.

Tip: When drying keep your buds in the dark constantly. UV light breaks down THC.