female to female


can and do female plants communicate with one another? I have some clones that are just starting to flower, and a plant from a seed that I thought would veg. until September. The seeded plant is only 2 feet tall and is starting to flower as well. did the clones signal the seeded plant to flower, or is it just a issue of sunlight?


Well-Known Member
Most plants veg until about August, that is when flowering begins with most strains. It is normal for plants to start showing some sort of pre-flowers before that though, that could be what you are seeing. Are the flowers forming clusters already? Or just a white hair hear and there?


They are flowering in clusters already. I see lots of easily visible white hairs where buds would obviously form. It's the 5th of july and it's still in the mid 60's and foggy near the coast. Maybe I just started a little early. I figured the clones would might bud early but the seed would veg well into August. All the plants look dark green and healthy, maybe some warmer temps will kick in and help out.


Active Member
female plants do communicate with other females, but they mostly just bitch at the males. :grin: