Female won't develop buds


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
so I'm having an issue with a female barely developing buds. Today is the end of week 4 from the flip. Growing 3 blueberry all flowering nicely and 3 critical mass of which two are doing great but one is just lagging like it's stuck in week one. Of course that's the plant I took my clones from. Any chance this girl will ever come around. Almost sacrificed her tonight cause I'm sick of looking at her Do some just never really develop. There all in bubble buckets and like I said 5 out of 6 are cranking along. Are the clones gonna do the same thing? Thanks
pH too high?
Nute Water too cold?
Air too cold?
Air too stagnant?

Nice veg.


Well-Known Member
I'm in a cold basement but h20 terms are 65 to 72 and tent temp is usually 72 to 80 degrees. with my inexperience I had lots of trial and error with nutes and ph. I check daily and adjustEd ph daily throughout the veg. Lots of ph up and down to keep between 5.5 and 6.5. with my poor feeding schedule I was getting a ph fluctuation of about .5 daily. for the past three weeks I've been spot on and my ph drifts only .02-.05 daily. I don't think of added any ph buffer on three weeks. these were planted on Dec 26 and flipped Feb 09. thanks!
Could be nute lockout from pH up/down