Females at an early age


Active Member
Hi :) I was wondering if there was any way to distinguish a male from a female in the vegatative stage with a microscope?

Cheers :)

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Hi :) I was wondering if there was any way to distinguish a male from a female in the vegatative stage with a microscope?

Cheers :)
Not with a microscope, but back before there was commercial feminized seed widely available, we used to sex out in veg, by pulling lanky tall (male) plants, and leaving stocky lush growing plants (typically female traits).

I grew out some bag-seed last year, and chose 100% females (4 out of 10), using this method.


Active Member
Wow, that must be years of experience! my predictions for outdoor grow were always embarassingly wrong lol

It's still fun looking at them under a microscope I must say :P


Well-Known Member
If you let your plants veg long enough they will show pre-flowers. All of mine have at about 6 weeks of veg.


Active Member
put them on a 12/12 for 3 days than back to there thing it will show sex in 5-6 days
OOI...wouldn't this induce some kind of biological stress in the plant and thus risking it turning Hermie?


Active Member
It will show pre flowers just give it a little time.
At about 4 weeks right?
This happened to me recently (outdoor grow) and I was ecstatic to find out my plant was a female! :) But this has only happened once. Is it just more noticeable when the plant is a female? (This was my first). All the males have only shown me balls once they've been on 12/12 for about a week.