Feminized Lemon Skunk Closet Grow - Green House Seeds


Well-Known Member
To get everyone caught up on what's been going on, here's a few pics. She's 100 days old today.

100 days old - close bud3.jpg93 days old - angle view.jpg96 days old - close angle.jpg100 days old - top view.jpg100 days old - close bud2.jpg96 days old - angle view.jpg93 days old - close.jpg100 days old - close bud1.jpg100 days old - close bud4.jpg96 days old - angle view(2).jpg96 days old - closer.jpg100 days old - under canopy.jpg93 days old - top angle.jpg


Well-Known Member
Very nice grow. I'm currently running a greenhouse ls as well. Mine looks almost exactly like yours. I'm only in day 20 of 12/12 so consider me subscribed.


Well-Known Member
The leaves on these plants are so confusing!! My LS girls leaves are always changing... drooping one day, clawing the next and then straightening right back out... lol Wish they would make up their damn mind.

Shit is looking good bro. I'm on day 47 of 12/12 on all my girls. Check them out when you get the chance. Link to current pics in my sig :)


Well-Known Member
Haha... man your grow is sick. That's where I would like to end up, this is currently experimental and personal. Mine definitely isn't as happy as yours, and I know heat is an issue in my closet, but I can't do anything about the temperature due to the location. It's in the hottest place of my building and I can't move it because it is the safest place for it in my building. But yeah, it's gonna grow anyway even if she's sweating a lot.


Well-Known Member
Haha of course I don't mind. That's awesome, cheers to that sexy lady. Mine may never reach that point but I'm hoping to pull a few ounces at least. Enough to entertain me for a while so that I can reap the benfits as I grow a new one ;) The THC content of this strain is retarded though. Like, the leaves are coated in trichomes an inch away from the buds. I've never grown a known strain before so this is surprising me. Bagseed does not grow like this by any means.