feminized seeds yay or nay???

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
what do u guys think of feminized seeds???ive used them twice with very successful results! what experiences have u guys had with them?:leaf:


Active Member
Im actually flowering some feminized c99 seeds from Female Seeds. Havent heard any bad things about them yet. I guess most people fear that feminized seeds are more prone to hermie-ing. But I think hermie issues depends on a lot of factors. Your environment, stress factors you intentionally/unintentionally give to your plants can all play a role wether you have a successful grow or not. Also, there are strains out there that are just prone to hermie-ing without coming from a feminized seed. (blueberry, jacks cleaner? not sure) I also got some serious6 from serious seeds veging right now (feminized from Serious Seeds). Im definitely keeping my fingers crossed!!!:weed:

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
i always figured the feminized seeds are as stable as the two clones they where produced from...thats just my two cents tho..u said blueberry usually hermies that sux i got some feminized blueberry going...i hope my girls dont grow balls and have sex with themselves....lol


Well-Known Member
I've never had a problem with feminized seeds. If anything, I see normal seeds as a waste of time now, even if you're going to clone in the long run.


Well-Known Member
there are some great fem seeds. and they have there place in small grows. i used to only grow with fems. now that i have more space though i run regs, my results do seem better since i made the change although my choice in strains has probably improved too so it could just be that.

however i like to mess around with pollen chucking too and i cant do that with fems and i wouldnt breed with them anyway it just seems unnatural and i believe after a few generations that would cause problems.


Well-Known Member
there are some great fem seeds. and they have there place in small grows. i used to only grow with fems. now that i have more space though i run regs, my results do seem better since i made the change although my choice in strains has probably improved too so it could just be that.

however i like to mess around with pollen chucking too and i cant do that with fems and i wouldnt breed with them anyway it just seems unnatural and i believe after a few generations that would cause problems.
actually fems can be made using 0 chemicals,so it can be a natural process.if a reg fem herms late in flower and pollinates itself or another reg female,you will end up with fem seeds.


Well-Known Member
yes but your still breeding without male chromosomes, how many generations do you think you can keep doing that before you end up with problems? or before the offspring only recognise self pollination as there only means of reproduction and start to throw out flowers.

im not saying it will happen straight away but i bet a few generations down the track it is something that "might" happen.

i am by no means a genetic scientist or anything but it just doesnt seem right to me


Well-Known Member
I dont like letting them naturally herm to get pollen. I would expect to see hermies out of the seeds.
If it doesn't require using a chemical to make pollen, it most likely will be hermie prone.


Well-Known Member
Have a small space and don't want to grow out several plants to find females? Go feminized. Want to flower out four different strains from four sedes? Go feminized.

Feminized is mostly what I order because I don't have the space to grow out 2 or more plants of the strains I want so I hope I can get a female. Plus, if I do grow 2 and both are female, then I will be taking up space i could use for a different strain instead of two of the same.

So it really depends on your growing requirements.


Well-Known Member
All I've used. Very happy with the results. I can't recommend Sannies fems highly enough. Kolossus, Extrema, Sugar Punch, Shackzilla, Killing Fields - all quality.


Well-Known Member
The best thing to do is buy/make feminized seeds,it takes a lot of thinking and work out of growing,plus you only need 1 for success.Unknown seeds are ok if the strain is bad ass but it feels like you are living with your plants for the first few weeks until sex shows,and we all know how we all plant hovered at 1 point lol


Well-Known Member
yes but your still breeding without male chromosomes, how many generations do you think you can keep doing that before you end up with problems? or before the offspring only recognise self pollination as there only means of reproduction and start to throw out flowers.

im not saying it will happen straight away but i bet a few generations down the track it is something that "might" happen.

i am by no means a genetic scientist or anything but it just doesnt seem right to me

Something might happen, but there really is no evidence to support what you described.
The plant does not care what you think is right or wrong. All female cannabis plants can produce male flowers. It is a normal and natural survival mechanism.


Well-Known Member
Something might happen, but there really is no evidence to support what you described.
The plant does not care what you think is right or wrong. All female cannabis plants can produce male flowers. It is a normal and natural survival mechanism.
yeah exactly i did say "might" but its still not a risk im willing to take when im messing with pollen. im not saying fem seeds are bad. check my first post i think they are awesome for those with the space to only grow one or 2. i totally get it i cut my teeth indoors on fem seeds, i dont think they are evil, i just dont think they should be bred with. i think if your into breeding use regs, if your into growing one plant and not continuing the genetic line go fem by all means.


Active Member
I dont like letting them naturally herm to get pollen. I would expect to see hermies out of the seeds.
If it doesn't require using a chemical to make pollen, it most likely will be hermie prone.
exactly what this guy said ^^^

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
ive only grown with feminized seeds and a couple clones here and their......never any regulars...is their a yield difference between the three??


Well-Known Member
as long as proper breeding practices are used to make the fems they should be just as good as regs.

unless your talking about something like an s1, in which case your going to see a loss of yield and vigor compared to the parent plant. an s1 for the record is a female plant reversed then that pollen used to pollinate a clone of itself. so essentially a copy of itself but they never are quite as good as the original. they usually manage to capture the flavour and the high but they just lack a little vigor