feminized seeds yay or nay???


Well-Known Member
yeah exactly i did say "might" but its still not a risk im willing to take when im messing with pollen. im not saying fem seeds are bad. check my first post i think they are awesome for those with the space to only grow one or 2. i totally get it i cut my teeth indoors on fem seeds, i dont think they are evil, i just dont think they should be bred with. i think if your into breeding use regs, if your into growing one plant and not continuing the genetic line go fem by all means.

You are speculating based on what? What you think might happen?

A feminized seed produces a female plant that is just like a female plant from a regular seed.
I have taken fem seeds a couple generations and have seen nothing but strong, healthy females.

You are inventing problems.

edit: I would bet that many breeders are using feminized seeds now to sped up breeding.
your regular seeds might be a product of some feminized seeds at some point.


Well-Known Member
I dont like letting them naturally herm to get pollen. I would expect to see hermies out of the seeds.
If it doesn't require using a chemical to make pollen, it most likely will be hermie prone.
That isn't true.
If you let a plant naturally produce male flowers, that is rodelization. There is no evidence that the resulting plants would be more prone to producing male flowers.

If you caused a plant to produce male flowers then the offspring will probably produce male flowers under the same circumstances.


Well-Known Member
You are speculating based on what? What you think might happen?

A feminized seed produces a female plant that is just like a female plant from a regular seed.
I have taken fem seeds a couple generations and have seen nothing but strong, healthy females.

You are inventing problems.

edit: I would bet that many breeders are using feminized seeds now to sped up breeding.
your regular seeds might be a product of some feminized seeds at some point
that is exactly what scares me

most breeders with respect for the plant feel the same way i do. they might appear normal but why are they all female? because they are lacking the male chromosome. what else are they lacking that you cant see? you dont know and neither do i, is it worth the risk? im not saying that for sure there is something wrong with them genetically just as you can not say for sure that breeding with them is 100% safe.

im just saying we dont know enough about it to make a call yet and until we do we should play it safe.


Well-Known Member
I tend to grow reg seeds out of habit mostly, fems were not really around when i started growing
and many strains that i like are not available as fems

where i do think fems can have an advantage
i think if you get the chance to run some s1's you actually stand a better chance of finding a pheno closer to the original mother, in some cases s1s are virtually like clones of the mother
more chance than finding the right pheno than in a pack of reg seeds anyway, breeders do not stabalise strains as much as they would like folk to believe
most strains will give at least 3-4 phenotypes and those are supposed to be the stable ones lol


Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Ive grown from feminised seeds several times and out of a packet of five seeds you usually get at least one plant that is in some way a strange un. Usually you see something isn,t right and bin the vegging plant, sometimes only three look good out of a packet. I'm talking usually about stunted growth individual plants, weird shaped botanical weirdos and the like, Ive had no hermie issues but I cant remember the last time I got a full packet of five straight up all the same similarly looking plants. Cant say its bothered me too much as I only have room for four under the 400W light, but you need to keep an eye on them.


Well-Known Member
s2 show high hemmie rates, i guess this would also be more likely if you keep breeding fem lines over many generations that are unstable
but still some seeds will be fem some will hemmie

reg seeds show hemmies too, the only difference i have noticed is they tend to show early at the start of flower and both male and female flowers are visible
when fems have hemmied on me this can happen around week 4 or 5, plants that were healthy females just decided to throw tons to balls

although with regs too lower branches that receive less light and mature early will often make a few seeds, but this is not hemmying
this can be used to make a few quick s1s, covering up a lower branch around week 4 so it receives no light for a week or two will stress that branch into producing a few more seeds
that will be ready around week 9



Active Member
i always figured the feminized seeds are as stable as the two clones they where produced from...thats just my two cents tho..u said blueberry usually hermies that sux i got some feminized blueberry going...i hope my girls dont grow balls and have sex with themselves....lol
Don't let my statement get to you. Its just what I heard. Plus, like I said, most hermie issues are caused by the grower's lack of attention to details. If you got your seeds from a reputable beeder, you should be fine. Keep good temps, don't overfeed and try to minimize light leaks- these will improve your ods greatly:-P


Well-Known Member
that is exactly what scares me

most breeders with respect for the plant feel the same way i do.
Feminized seeds are a normal and natural survival mechanism. Your respect is misplaced.

they might appear normal but why are they all female? because they are lacking the male chromosome.
Female plants from regular seeds are also missing the Y (male) chromosome. What is your point?

what else are they lacking that you cant see? you dont know and neither do i, is it worth the risk?
I have taken feminized seeds a few generations. There is no evidence that breeding with feminized seeds will cause problems down the line. So why make up baseless claims?

im not saying that for sure there is something wrong with them genetically just as you can not say for sure that breeding with them is 100% safe.
I have bred with them so i can say that it is 100% safe. You are speculating based on nothing.
Feminized seeds are normal and natural.

im just saying we dont know enough about it to make a call yet and until we do we should play it safe.

You don't know enough to say that breeding with feminized seeds is not safe, so stop it.


Active Member
I tend to grow reg seeds out of habit mostly, fems were not really around when i started growing
and many strains that i like are not available as fems

where i do think fems can have an advantage
i think if you get the chance to run some s1's you actually stand a better chance of finding a pheno closer to the original mother, in some cases s1s are virtually like clones of the mother
more chance than finding the right pheno than in a pack of reg seeds anyway, breeders do not stabalise strains as much as they would like folk to believe
most strains will give at least 3-4 phenotypes and those are supposed to be the stable ones lol

I couldnt agree more.

Breeder: hey peeps, I got this new strain. It's kind, dank and fire!!! It smells like orange, has pink hairs, turns purple @ 85 degrees, sticky like elmer's glue, grows short and
easy to trim. $10 a seed. Come and get it!!!

Grower: Oh hell yeah!! I just ordered 5 pack!!! Im gonna have the dankest shit on my block that my friend will envy/enjoy!!!

Breeder: There are different phenotypes. Some will have no flavor, we'll call that "pocket lint pheno". Some will blow a hole through yor grow tent, that's the "bamboo"
pheno. Some will produce no trichomes, that's the "south-of-the-border hay" pheno. Some will have tons of leaves to trim, that's the "carpal tunnel inducing"
pheno. I see you got the 5 pack!!! Plenty of chances left to get a male and a hermie.

Grower: Shit.

I really wish breeders breed a certain pheno a few times before releasing seeds to provide the customers with a plant that closely resembles the strain they are trying to sell. Not the usual " oh you might get this or that" BS. I see the breeder's point about different growers liking different phenotypes to fit their needs. If this was the point, then why not release two "lines" of the strain? Release a BX1 if you want a very close representation of the strain you are trying to describe and another line that you can get a variety of phenos. Just my opinion. Im no expert. :leaf: