Feminized seeds?


Active Member
I just recently harvested Silver Haze that I grew from seed. It was from a feminized seed pack obtained from Sensi Seed in Amsterdam. I have had some buds produce a few seeds.

So, why would a feminized plant produce seeds?

Are these seeds any good?

And would they be feminized as well?

Any and all input is appreciated!


Well-Known Member
feminised plants have a tendency towards herming and you probably had a stray pollen sac that pollinated that bud, it is quite usual. As for the seeds, if they are viable then they will produce more hermies most likely but not always the case.


Well-Known Member
I am no expert on this by any means, but my understanding is that feminized plants have a higher tendency to turn hermie. And what can sometimes happen is that for some reason a branch or two on the plant can show some male qualities while looking predominantly female. Thus causing a few flowers to become pollinated. I would like to know if this is 100% true however. I read something about this some where, but my stoner ass suffers from a severe case of CRS syndrome. (Can't Remember Shit)


Active Member
right on! thanks for all the great info. can't say i'm really complaining, cause I grow for personal use. almost more excited i got a few seeds for free to experiment with!


Well-Known Member
You should read Soma Style. He is and organic guru. And he owns the shop you bought your seeds through.

Soma says that male flowers that appear on a female plan during stress. this does not mean that the plant has hermied. This is a result of the plant wanting to continue its gentics and it was scared.

1. Plant the seeds, they could be femed seeds.
2. Buy a copy of the book Soma Style Organic. Or download the PDF torrent. You can find it by google.


Active Member
i'll definitely have to give that book a whirl. saw it over there, but just figured I'd wait til I got back to the states to buy a grow book. didn't need any extra reason to search me or my luggage...


Well-Known Member
You should read Soma Style. He is and organic guru. And he owns the shop you bought your seeds through.

Soma says that male flowers that appear on a female plan during stress. this does not mean that the plant has hermied. This is a result of the plant wanting to continue its gentics and it was scared.

1. Plant the seeds, they could be femed seeds.
2. Buy a copy of the book Soma Style Organic. Or download the PDF torrent. You can find it by google.
Doesn't the fact that the plant formed male flowers, by definition, mean that it hermied?


Well-Known Member
Doesn't the fact that the plant formed male flowers, by definition, mean that it hermied?
it would be an intersexed plant a hermie shows male and female from the start of flowering..... its nt a late hermie trait if it shws late in flower its still a intersexed plant whith the genetics to keep its self alive


Well-Known Member
You should read Soma Style. He is and organic guru. And he owns the shop you bought your seeds through.

Soma says that male flowers that appear on a female plan during stress. this does not mean that the plant has hermied. This is a result of the plant wanting to continue its gentics and it was scared.

1. Plant the seeds, they could be femed seeds.
2. Buy a copy of the book Soma Style Organic. Or download the PDF torrent. You can find it by google.
Found the PDF, what a great book. I added it to my Amazon list.


Well-Known Member
I would think not, as that is how FEM seeds are produced..I think..
you are close... fem seeds are actually made (simple term here) by forcing a female to hermie.. take the pollen off the hermie and use it to pollenate a different HEALTHY female of the same strain .. now you have fem seeds. if you use the pollen on the same plant your chances of the new seeds turning hermie are extremely increased(herm breeding with a herm will yield like 90%+ herm seeds). that is why they take hermie pollen and pollonate a pure female of the same strain with it. say for example you have a hermie white widow that you forced to hermie.. you took clones early on that are now ready to flower.. take and store the hermie pollen (in a freezer for up to 2-3 months max) until i think 2-4 weeks into flowering.. sprinkle the hermie pollen onto the flowering clones.. that SHOULD yield mainly fem seeds. that is the basics on how to create fem seeds. i know it goes more deep like continuous breeding and pollonating to reduce herm tendacies but i dont know THAT much about it..


Well-Known Member
you are close... fem seeds are actually made (simple term here) by forcing a female to hermie.. take the pollen off the hermie and use it to pollenate a different HEALTHY female of the same strain .. now you have fem seeds. if you use the pollen on the same plant your chances of the new seeds turning hermie are extremely increased(herm breeding with a herm will yield like 90%+ herm seeds). that is why they take hermie pollen and pollonate a pure female of the same strain with it. say for example you have a hermie white widow that you forced to hermie.. you took clones early on that are now ready to flower.. take and store the hermie pollen (in a freezer for up to 2-3 months max) until i think 2-4 weeks into flowering.. sprinkle the hermie pollen onto the flowering clones.. that SHOULD yield mainly fem seeds. that is the basics on how to create fem seeds. i know it goes more deep like continuous breeding and pollonating to reduce herm tendacies but i dont know THAT much about it..
fah....you beat me to it....damn all this traveling. Anyways rep up man, its what I was gonna say.


Well-Known Member
now, i take it there is difference between a plant that naturally goes hermi, and one that is forced right? A natural hermi could be either male or female turned hermi, but a female that later turns hermi is a female hermi.....

Does this make sense? Im not even stoned and im not sure....


Well-Known Member
There's no such thing as a "male" hermie. Only a female can turn herm. There's a difference between a naturally occurring herm and one that occurs when a female is stressed insofar that a stressed herm that pollenates itself will result with a large ratio of herm seeds. A healthy female that is pollenated by a herm will result with feminized seeds, though there is a small chance of getting herm seeds. I've done a couple of grows with fem seeds and this has yet to happen to me.


Well-Known Member
Question: What are some of the best ways to stress a female plant to make her hermie without too much damage?


Active Member
I think there would have to be a stray male flower there somewhere... it's already a hemmie. Keep a close watch if I were you. And I wouldn't bother havasting seed from that plant... just my2 cents worth