This morning I harvested one of the Sativas, 230grams wet ... should dry out to be 2 oz. She was so frosty, from top to bottom. You can see on one picture I left 2 little buds on her, thats all there was for popcorn. I am very impress with the lower buds in the tent so far, its good because I can get lazy sometimes and with my setup its hard to get to my plants to clean them up. Anyway, maybe I should reveg this one as well!! if only I had room for her. I didnt leave quite enough green matter on her to reveg but we'll see. The smell is oufff so so yummy

This other one is the Chemo that was in the same container as the SLH in the cabinet up until a month ago when I transfered it in the room. I harvested it a couple days ago, so its not dry enough to try!! Anyway, Its a silly yield, I didnt even bother with the weight. I tried something with it though I dried it without trimming it. I dont know that I will do this again because it sucks to trim afterward but it does seems like the plant packed on more crystals while drying. Maybe its in my head I dont know... but this is going to be some fine smoke, I am sure it will be the best smoke I have going at the moment unfortunately it will not last! It appears to be the pheno with the taste/smell that I like so much. I really got to grow this strain successfully this winter...

ok now I am gonna close my eyes and pick a strain for my first dubbie this morning, I love to have a few strains to chose from!
Happy Growin everyone!!