FERO 336x3W and more, perpetual 12-12


Active Member
Great job man, lovely buds, pity you had to chop the chem's down early, but i bet she is still a great smoke.

Lovely garden man, you have the skills to grow enough bud for you to smoke and cure, im trying to achieve this as well in a 50cm by 90 cm grow space, nothing better than smoking cured bud, keep up the great work man and lovely threads.

Stay safe, happy growing and peace to all.


Well-Known Member
A few more shots of the first Chemdog I harvested, turns out it hermied slightly, I looked at each buds carefully and got 17 beans out of 3oz. I might find a few more. Do you think the seeds are fully matured since the buds wasnt? If they are fem seeds I just save myself another 200$. I looked briefly at the other chemdog I harvested and dont see any seeds. Its drying beautifully by the way and has a stronger smell than the one that hermied.

On another topic, this morning I picked up my new light:

:fire: hell yeah, a fero AF-600, it looks very, very promising. I ll move the 336x3 in the tent to replace the adjustable and this beast will replace the 336x3. At first I was more excited about having the 336x3 in the tent, but now that I have the AF-600, I think it will be big a step up for the room as well! I ll set it up tonight, along with a new carbon filter :leaf: ... got some fantastic smells in my basement, and close neighbours!!


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see that beasty light in action. How many more watts is it than the 336x3? The buds look great and I think the seeds should be fine if the bud is close to being done but I could be wrong on that.


Well-Known Member
actual draw 595watts vs 540watts ... not much of a step up in wattage but I think the spectrums will be better for bud production


Well-Known Member
I would definately hang on to the seeds, you never know. They sort of resemble in color what I got for my Blue Mystics, the pale green and yellowish skin. You may have just gotten lucky like hitting the lottery. Awsome looking light, hope it does the job.

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Hell Ya Brother Endur0xX.That Looks Like One Hellva Light Brother.Cant Wait To See That Bad Boy Spanking Your Girls Azz :weed:


Well-Known Member
GODDAMNNNNN that's one wild panel! It's amazing how fast they come up with these things. I bet for the average buyer it must be funny to save up for one light and by the time you got the money, you end up buying a completely different panel because they've already moved on to the next gen :). There's a lots of pros and maybe a few cons, (630 mA?), about that light but if it continues to raise your yields End, (and that's saying something cause your yields are damn good), it's ALL-Pro.

I can't rep ya again, so I'll just say they ain't exactly giving those things away, so +rep to you Endur0xX just for being able to afford one. And for all that Chem :).
Thanks For Sharing and Happy Growing To You!


Well-Known Member
up until last winter, I was spending well over 6000$ a year on weed... and now I am getting to the point where the only thing I will be spending money on during the next 5 years is :

promix for seedlings and transplanting
new air filters(not for 2 years).
amendments for my soil ( I got soil ready for the next 6 months and I am trying the bokashi composting method to re-use my soil so potentially I got enough supersoil+amendments for 2 years )

That's it! The seeds will be a luxury because I have many many that I have collected from various seed-banks. So yeah this 1500$ is a nice treat that will pay for itself in no time!


Well-Known Member
I cut my finger really bad and cut the tendons in it... lots of marijuana will be needed over the next few weeks. Anyway it was quite a challenge to set up the lights with one hand, my woman helped me but there wasnt much room for the 2 of us and the plants. So I will have to move the smaller lights around some more tomorrow but the 2 main lights are there to stay. Anyway, I can't type that much for a while so pics speak a thousand words, that's how I will keep my journal updated for a while...

It looks like daylight in the room now (cant tell on the pictures...)

The tent has now over 600watts of pure LEDs (not sure that I will keep the kessil in it...) and everything looks great. I realised the adjustable was still on 2/3 of the power but you cant tell looking at the plants!!, so twice the power on them babies tonight so I hope they take it well!!


Well-Known Member
Fucking bright!!...........in some of those pics it looks like you got a 600w mh in there/no kidding..lol..............girls are gonna love it for sure, damn that things a beast.


Well-Known Member
I moved the portable fan next to the light to get more floor space, and I hung the party cups so they get more lights. arent those beautiful 12/12ers!?:weed: Man I love the look of the 336x3 in the tent haha.



Well-Known Member
no you can get it on their euro website ( everything that was on FERO's website is still available through the euro branch of FERO )... but yeah Brent is going all out on the AF series, I am SO looking forward to see how the AF600 compares with the 336x3 because the 336x3 delivers!!! Many companies were using the same casing and lots of people thought they were all the same lights... no more confusion with the exclusivity of the AF series to AREA51 and FERO. Literally, it's daylight in the grow room now... let them big buds be



Well-Known Member
Great idea with the hanging comp cups Enduroxx. Time to come up with new ideas whilst thee damaged hand heals i guess huh?


Well-Known Member
Smart idea to get those party cups up like that, this should get them in to the competion now. That is a nice lookin grow you have there. :clap::weed:


Well-Known Member
Thank you my friends, yes being home full time is great for my gardens.

Not so great to do everything with one hand but surprisingly, there is usually a way to do almost everything!! I harvested the garlic this week, about 200 of them!! My tomato plants needed some TLC too so yeah my gardens are keeping me busy a fair bit every day, helps me deal with my injury..

I cannot wait to chop the 4 remaining plants in the main room (it turns out the 5th plant that is a little bit behind is either Acapulco Gold or Jack The Ripper tga, so I am pretty excited about it now. Looks like a Acapulco-Gold to me, will upload pics tomorrow)... I made the mistake to harvest the best plant too early and the rest of them arent as meaty... oh well it gets me high right now!!

It looks like I will be home full time for the next 2 months so the following run in the room should be much better... and I think I can simply let everything go in the tent now and the yield should be impressive.
