Fertalizer + Cloning Help


Active Member
ok whats up guys, first off im growing outdoors in Southern Ontario very hot..nice weather so far this summer. but im pretty new at this and have a few questions.

My grow details.
Soiless mix

1 - I want to use a 2 stage fertalization one for vegatative growth the other for Blooming now on forums i have read that Advanced Nutriants make the best fertalizors and that the Big Bud is the best Bloom Fert but which one is the best for vegatative growth Probably something around 20-10-10. Right ?

2- For cloning has any1 tried the Advanced Nutriants Jump Start Foliar spray did you notice any difference in rooting time? "JumpStart contains essential nutrients, natural hormones and special vitamin supplements that cuttings need during the very critical hours and days immediately after being taken."

3- i have taking 5 clones from my mother plant i did not use cloning jel or powder ( i know my buddy stole it for the weekend and i got impatiant.) i have them in humitidy dome under the mother plant outside there is new foliage growth but no roots. its been like 10 days.


Willie North

Well-Known Member
hey Man good to see another Ontario person on here
and yes the heat these last past years has been crazy.
But I dont know much about nuts,furts, and Cloning jells! So im not much of a help here lol. But I do know that you should hardent off your clones befor you move them outside / your Plot

Willie North :D