Fertilizer in soil


Active Member
Ok so I'm really bad at math, like really bad. And im also lazy so I come to fine people to give me a little insight.. When I first started growing my plants, I used some Miracle Grow potting mix. It had its fertilizers listed as 0.21%-0.7%(I think)-0.14%. Now would that be considered a heavy dose for Marijuana plants? Especially considering it's that slow release shit? I tried out a product called Dr. Earth Pure Gold and its NPK was listed as 1-1-1. Compared to the NPK in the Miracle grow soil, is that 1-1-1 stronger than the 0.xx% found in the MG soil or is it just absorbed differently? When I was using the MG soil I got all kinds of problems and had to transplant into something else. As far as I know, the Dr. Earth hasn't caused any issues yet. Can someone enlighten my tiny brain just a bit?