Fertilizer - Substral


Well-Known Member
...till now I have been using "Schultz-Instant" 10-15-10 product. But now my plant has been in flowering stage for 3 weeks already and I decided to buy something better for blooming.

Today I went to store hoping to get something for blooming.
I have read that a flowering plant wants food which is high in P (phosphorus) and K (potassium). According to this, the best what I found in that store was this product:
Substral 3:5:7 + microelements (for cactuses and succulents). Here's what is says:
High-quality liquid mineral fertilizer for fertilizing the cactuses and succulents. It gives the optimal growth and development. It ensures the colorfulness of the leaves and flowers, and generous long-time flowering.

..which irritates me is that it says its for cactuses and succlulents. Is it relevant? :???: Can I feed my plant with this?
Guys, give me some help please.

thank u very much
(a pic of my plant)


Well-Known Member
those nugs are coming along nicely for three weeks, is the substral water soluble? I've never used it but the n-p-k numbers are good for flowering, just becareful not to overfertilize your plant.


Well-Known Member
yep its soluble... it says 1/2 of the cap to the 1 liter of water. Can I increase the amount of nute?
and the big question is: if it says its for cactuses and succulents.. can I still feed my cannabis with this? N-P-K and microelements are what counts.. right?
thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Your plant should be able to handle a full dose but to be on the safe side start with 1/2 the recomended amount. I use tomato fertilizer for my peppers even though it's for tomatoes. Yes, the n-p-k number are what matters.

Red Eye Jim

Active Member
I see that you have computer fans connected to some wiring. How did you do this without a computer power source, pretty good idea.