fertilizers? i read up, and still am confused...

i know "search the forums"... i have. i just dont get it. i need to be able to ask questions directly...

anyways im growing in soil (Good Earth potting soil), with 2 cfl's, and watering with tap water that has been left to sit for 48 hours... my plants started off bad because i used worn out old soil so i cut off the damaged leaves and replanted them in the Good Earth soil. I have 3 plants all maybe 3 inches each in red cups.

The question is.... they have been in their new soil for 2 days now and i see 0% growth. They haven't gotten any worse from what i can tell but they certainly haven't gained anything. Should i not worry about them and just let the new soil do its job or should i add fertilizers? If so please make this simple as simple gets and give me maybe 1 or 2 good fertilizers

If im totally off on this and you think its not the nutrients let me know but idk what else it could be. i water using the wick system and give them a spray or 2 from a bottle per day so over/under watering i dont think is possible. Also the light has never burnt them and i made sure of it. Temp wise the lights give off a little bit so i generally keep my air conditioning on around 65-70ish with the hopes that it kinda counters any heat from the lights and keeps it between 70 and 80.



Well-Known Member
be patient :). the plant is putting its energy into making roots so that it can support a bigger structure. you will probably need to give it some time to buffer the PH after using bad soil aswell. That they aarent getting worse is the sign of that you are doing it right. its no rocket bro give it time and you wont be let down :) DONT ADD FERTILIZERS unless you are looking for trouble.


Well-Known Member
Transplant shock..Good soil is good for 4 weeks (about). No nutes. Look at General Organics Gro box..$34. You don't need em yet. Keep us updated and pics.


Well-Known Member
god damn son, rome wasn't built in a day....lol....give em a chance man, patience...how do you feel when you move...little uncomfortable at first, till you get used to it.....peace
so what im getting out of this is give um some time :P haha. alright ill just keep up what i got going and let you know how they are doing at a later date with some pics of before and after. fertilizer wise ill have to check out general organics. i heard fox farm is pretty good? any thoughts?