

So I have had my plants growing a little over three weeks and I added big bloom ( 1 1/2 Tsp) and the same of grow big. I have fox farm soil and mixed it with a gallon of water. Am I good? Some of these threads got me worried. I did it because my leaves are curling up and from what I read thats a potassium deficiency. Also I use distilled water.


Active Member
I don't really see any deficiencies, but the top of pic 1 seems a little off. Also maybe do see maybe some heat stress.What are your temps(at top of plants) and humidity like?

I don't know what the recommended dosage for those nutes are, but 3 tsp sounds like a lot, especially for a 3 week old. If it was, you will know shortly.


Active Member
i use bloom and grow , but if you got a 3 week old in veg, you shouldn't give it bloom, just grow and when you flowering then just bloom. but i use different make of nutes and canny wrecked .